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some1 look at my old post and analyze it for me! i'm dying!

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go look at my old post 'what is wrong with my boyfriend' and please analyze it...i feel like garbage. i need someone to tell me what is wrong!

i miss him so much and i feel like he doesn't care about me at all!


What's wrong is you are looking outside of yourself for what should be coming from within -- love, acceptance, validation, self-esteem. As long as you try to get those things from someone else, you're going to be living on a perpetual rollercoaster.


I read your other thread. He told you what the problem was -- it was going too fast. It sounds like you wanted more than he was willing to give. It also sounds like you were more than a little clingy -- wanting more time and attention than he had to give.

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yes, i do need all those things.

but the thing is, i really thought that this guy had great potential for happiness!

he is a complete liar!

everyone wants someone to spend their life with, why the heck did he lie and throw me every line and convince me to date him when in the end he rips out my jugular???

makes no sense!

i tried texting him and he refuses to answer the text message and only wants to talk on the phone. i don't wanna talk to him because all he does is make me feel awful...he sounds angry.

i don't get it. how does someone say that garbage and then change their dammmmmmmmmm mind.

i can't think! i'm topsy turvy. i will never ever date another person for the rest of my life! men are here to do one thing and that's make ME miserable! Make me feel like i am within an inch of my own life! WHY GOD WHY ME?

i was good to him, that's all i was. i was just good. i was so nice to him, and by the way, i was NEVER needy. he even said i wasn't a needy person. i was so sound in everything i did. i waited weeks for him and let him have his time and all that i get is to be treated like GARBAGE! WHY?


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Love Junkie,


you dont hate men, you really hate yourself and your taking it out on men in general.. you don't trust yourself and put yourself in the wrong situations, and then when it does go wrong... you blame other people and things when the real answer is in YOU. YOU are the one with the problem, not us, not your x b/f, not your friends. YOU are the one feeling the way you are.. no one else. Maybe you need to accept things for the way they are and learn how to open up to happiness and accept yourself.

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Hi LJ,


I read through a few of your previous posts. All I have to say is I feel your pain. Okay, with that being said, I also read through other posts about a guy that you were seeing not wanting a girlfriend. Girl, if he says that to you, then why do you want to be with him anyway? Forget about guys like him. Who cares. You know that you are still young and have plenty of time to meet nice fellas (though, I do know how it feels when things look bleak/depressing- endless nights of meaningless dates, etc).


Here's a few simple advice that might help you. I always tell myself these things:


#1. When it comes to love- love is given and not asked for. There is no way to force love. If someone loves you, they will show that they love you, unconditionally, from day 1! And, when their love is true, you will feel it. I read through the line where you mentioned, "They say I love you but they don't mean it." Something like that.


Anyway, when you feel as though the person that you're with says empty I love yous, you're probably right. When someone loves you, you will know it. It shows with every gesture that they make, every words that they say to you, and every action that they show torwards you.


2. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Sometimes, people that you meet can be superficial as hell. Don't buy into what people tell you. The best way to get to know a person is to take it slow. Whirl winded romances tend to never work out.


3. If the person that you're with makes you cry, he's not the right one, and never put up with that crap.


4. Happiness is found within yourself. Try not to rely on others for you own happiness. When you can be happy with yourself, that is when you meet the right people.


Anyway, just wanted to share a word of advice with you. You're just going through a rough time. Hang in there & good lucK.

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yeah thank you so much for your kind words.

they impacted me like you'll never know.

i feel as if i have lost my mind.

it's a strange floating feeling, and i'm really sad.

i wish i had been that smart in the beginning.

my instincts to pull away were correct, but what did i do.

jump in like an idiot.

i try to like myself, but just when i'm stable enough, someone comes along and does this. it's hard to stay strong when you meet someone you wanna give your heart to.

i want someone to smile about.

this single life is sad.

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obviously their are somethings you need to learn about yourself, love and life.


The more you ask the question why, the longer you remain a victim. It is hard, i can identify with your pain, but the thing to do now is to learn what is the root case to all your pain. It isnt him as much as you or others here may think...it is you. No man should be the source of your happiness, just thinking this way is setting any relationship up for disaster.


It isnt about giving your heart to someone it is about sharing what is inside your heart with someone, big difference.

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You first need to have a solid, loving relationship with yourself before you can create a healthy, loving relationship with someone else. If you cannot create a full, happy single life by yourself, you can't expect to be able to create a full, happy life as a couple with someone else.


We can only love others to the extent that we love ourselves. If you cannot enjoy your own company, how can you expect others to?


If you are serious about wanting things to be different and are ready to make some changes, you might want to read "Love 101: To Love Oneself Is The Beginning Of A Lifelong Romance" by Peter McWilliams. If you are still in a place where you want to look outside of yourself for the answers, and place blame on men in general or man in particular, this book will not offer you anything useful.

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