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Recently (The past month) I've been having really bad problems sleeping. I can't sleep for 24 hours or more and then I fall asleep for a few hours in the day. It's taking out the best part of my day and it's making me feel depressed. I think it's mainly because I left college last month and I have nothing to do in the daytime.

I've tried all sorts of things to get to sleep at night but it never works. I've tried just laying there with my eyes shut and clearing my mind. I've tried having a hot drink before I sleep, not smoking before I sleep, staying away from destractions but I always end up sleepless.

When I can't sleep I try playing on the ps2, browsing the internet etc. These things always used to work when I couldn't sleep before but now the only way I can get to sleep is if I stay awake even if I'm tired and then go to sleep at a normal time.

Does anyone have any surgestions that could help me?



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the body doesnt need to sleep, we dont sleep because of the body, it gets enough rest just sitting doing nothing. the mind is the one tht sleeps, try challenging yourself mentally, like book reading or really hard games,that DO NOT get the blood pumping, lik the ps2 would do. something interesting to you, but slighty boring

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I haven't slept properly for 5 years!


Try and work out what's stopping you. These stop me.


I'm tired, we have sex, I'm wide awake!




Eating cheese

Lying down in bed



Fall asleep


Sitting in chairs (sometimes)

In bath (99.9% of the time)


2 weeks ago I fell asleep driving the car. I was alone. SCARY!


I've got an appointment with a Sleep Clinic.


My problem is I can suffer with insomnia for months and then suddenly the lack of sleep catches up with me.


We all need restful sleep. It heals our bodies!



Hope this has helped.

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I would also recommend the Valerian root or some Chamomile tea with a small amount of sugar. The sugar should get you a little energized but it will last only shortly. After that you will be sluggish and it will be easier to sleep. (Many mark me wrong on this but they seem to be the people that sleep well)

I suffer from "insomnia" often but only because I have so much to do. I had once failed to get sleep for almost four weeks, but after that it was nearly physically impossible not to and I fell flat asleep. That is why I don't consider it a disorder. Homeostasis will help you return in what you lack.


Think of it as balancing your exsistance, mentally and physically. It is good to stay awake because you learn more and expand your thoughts but it degrades your physical health. It is very good physically to sleep but you stop your learning, but you will forget less and be stressed less. Too much sleep can be bad for your health as well because you need to get your blood flowing.


I suggest doing some moderate to heavy physical activities about an hour or two before your bedtime. Using the left over time try to relax while breathing deeply and stretching a lot. Think of yawning and try to as much so you can give oxygen to your brain. After your stretching try washing up gracefully, try respecting yourself and enjoying your breathing. Take a warm to hot shower with your eyes closed, then near the end turn the water cold. Face your head towards the sprouting of the water with your eyes still shut and breathe through (not in) the water.


After you get out wear light or soft clothing, maybe something silky. You will be very cold but don't fret. Imagine it as a fresh sort of feeling, like you are a ripe fruit of some sort. Cuddle under the blankets and turn onto your stomach. Tuck your arms under your chest and close your fists. Your fists should be near your chin and your elbows should be parallel and closing in on your belly button. If you are right handed face your head to the left, and if you are left handed to the right. Continue to breathe in with respect and think deeply of an action such as walking or swimming. You will soon start to twitch, but that only means your thoughts are becoming more real and you will fall into a dream.


That to me gives me the most refreshing sleep. But I don't do it often because I am very busy. It should work, if not it should surely help.


Stressful thoughts are usually what keeps you up, desire as well as remorse.


Good luck,


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Lavender's good to induce drowsiness.


You could always get a night job and capitalise on your insomnia.


my dad told me thta, thats horrible, it would separate you from your friends, you would see the sun as much, it would make you less social. dont do that, what about school and others. sry about the angry comment, but wait until you are much older to do something like this.

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I couldn't get a night job because my boyfriend works in the day but I will try the other things. Thanks for all the advice. My mothers helped me get back into a sleep routeen since I went round her house but I still have problems getting to sleep so I'll try some of those things. I used to take St. John's Wort for stress and I probably still have some.

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