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Need day plan for Girlfriend's Birthday.

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My Gf's birthday was last Sunday, but we are getting together on Saturday.


Here's the thing, I'm low on cash but want to show her a fun and special, but romantic time. Problem is I'm not allowed to stay out too late (crazy grandmother).


I was thinking, taking her to the Toronto Islands, just walking around there, relaxing, maybe going on this 'SkyRide' thing that they have. Then ferrying it back to the city for dinner and a movie?


That just seems so overdone to me, does anyone else have any ideas? I know it's hard for you because you do not know what sort of stuff she is into.


If it helps we have been dating for 4 months and 3 weeks.

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okay im a torontonian and honestly just the other night i was just walking along harbourfront with a gf of mine lol and we were like DAMMMMMITTTT why am i here with you??! lol because it was just so romantic, but it has to be dark, but a ferry ride is not overdone honestly!! i mean ya dinner and a movie seems like watever but considering your age hellooo that would be totally sweet and the ferry ride is creative. low on cash...i mean you could go cn tower and just go up there. but its not sactly cheap styll. hmm what else, you could just go to the beach have a nice lil date there. umm or...this isnt romantic but you guys could go clubbing at all ages (i mean depends on the type of girl she is) i mean it would be a night of rubbing up against eachother all night lol. ummmm....ya...downtown is simply gorgeous so you could relaly just take a walk on harbourfront get a boat crusie lil thing. and its not toooo expensive its like 15 $ per person. and dinner and a movie is always good. maybe even omit the movie just do dinner and the boat thing.

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Well, no me personally, I wouldn't think of it as cliche because I'd be too happy that my boyfriend is spending time with me and wants to make my birthday special! Now, for an added touch, give her something made. Make a card, make a CD with your voice on it, make (write a poem), anything that adds your personal flair to it. She'll LOVE it.

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