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Should I?

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So she is staying with her sister. Things are up in the air right now. I IMed her last night and we talked on AIM. I am thinking about asking her to get together this weekend. I know what everyone is thinking... How wrong it is.


But my reason is simple. I just want her to know how serious I actually am about her. I think she needs to know that she has other options before she makes her decision.


So should I ask her? I've been out of practice for way too long...

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Based on your previous posts and the fact that her marriage is abusive and uncommitted, I really want to say "yes, go for it." BUT I can't. I can't support infidelity under any circumstances. She needs to wise up and figure out that her husband is no good for her. And she needs to do that before getting involved with anyone else.

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I'm going to hazzard a guess and say most people on this site aren't familiar with your story and when people browse the threads, they tend to reply to ones that are very clear about what the person's situation is. Although you provide links to the other threads that concern your situation, it's possible people are seeing that and don't want to bother to look at the other posts. In my opinion, it helps to explain your situation briefly each time you start a new thread...and patience is a virtue

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I think she already knows that you are interested because you told her when you dropped her off this week. What I think you need to do now is to give her some space to clear her head and think long and hard about what she wants to do for herself, not for her husband or for you.


She knows how you feel, and maybe her feelings for you are the catalyst that drove her to at least for now get away from her husband and think things through, but I wouldn't be any additional pressure on her. She will contact you if and when she is ready.


Give her some room to breathe, she just got away from her husband, it's not even official, she hasn't moved her stuff nor has she filed for divorce. She knows she has options, and does not need you to remind her. I think if you want to have a good chance with her you need to be fair to her right now and be patient. Let her work through her situation with the husband first, and then come to you if that's what she wants.


If you feel you can't wait, I suggest focusing your attention on something/someone else. The last thing she needs right now is pressure from you.


Hope this helps

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