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three cheers for sweet revenge

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this is the closest thing I could put it under (relationship conflicts, more like hate or revenge, that would have been better but wasn't offered so this will have to do) the title says it all...ok I feel rather evil for doing this, i'll probably go to hell for it but it's worth it (jk jk jk!!!) I feel aweful, but I can't stand this girl, she is going around saying things about my cousin who I love more then anyone on the face of this earth. and saying thigs about me, and tryign to take my friend whom I also love and like a bit more then a friend, and she's flirtign with my other cousin and being nasty with him and he doesn't like it and well no one can stand her. She has lied and lied and lied, and done nasty cheap things around my friends and family, she has publicly humiliated me when I took her out and tried to be friends with her. then I try again figuring everyone has bad days but this girl has nothing but bad intentions coming out of everything she does. I want to continue to act nice as possible just for the heck of being nice to her, but I also want to get back in unobvious ways. Ways that no one would know that it was me, and ways that wounldn't hurt her ( def don't wanna hurt her at all) just embarris her a bit and make her start getting the idea of how I and my family work. I dont' want her to know right away it's me, but start to figure it out, we'll have some what of a game going on, and i'll have to put her in her place, but I don't want her to be able to prove it was me, just odd things that could happen to anyone you know, so it will just be between us and maybe she will stop. I already talked to her and was upfront about how I feel about her, my cousin also got mad but didn't exactaly deal with it by communtication, she punched hallie in the head lol. I felt bad, cause I dont wanna hurt her, just mess with her a bit.

any ideas?

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How about ignoring her? You already confronted her and told her how you felt, and really, it's your cousin's problem, not yours. Your cousin didn't handle it very maturely either.


Violence doesn't solve anything, it just breeds more ingnorance.


Be the bigger person and walk away. Anyone that knows your cousin will know the girl is full of bull, and who cares what others think, anyway?

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she's going to be here for a whole month and my cousin isn't the only one getting the rotten end of it, I am too, she's done things I dont' even want to talk about they are so messed up and humiliating. I don't want to hurt her, I want to mess with her and put her in her place.

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If you all ignore her, you handle yourselves in a mature and dignified way, and she won't get the satisfaction of hurting you if you don't pay any attention to her. It only feeds her if you let it by reacting to what she's doing. If she'll be gone in a month, you won't have to ignore her for too long anyway.


You didn't like being insulted and hurt by her, don't stoop to her level.

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Revenge, game-playing...these are kind of petty ways of dealing with a problem like that...trust me you will encounter people like her your whole life and the best way to deal with them is to ignore them. Don't stoop to her level. She likes getting a reaction out of people, so don't give her one and soon enough she'll give up. The people that matter to you will know the truth and those that believe her lies, well they probably aren't very close to you cause if someone knows you they will know she is making things up. Ignore her...what she's doing is pathetic...don't become like her by trying to get back at her.

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This girl sounds pretty immature, but so do your plans for revenge. Why not just stop being her friend -- nobody is forcing you to continue hanging out with her. As another poster said, you are going meet versions of this person all throughout your life and you waste your time if you spend it trying to stoop to their level.

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actually sadley enough I am being forced to hang out with her. she is my cousins cousin from indiana and she will be here for around a mounth maybe longer, and I told my aunt no I don't want to hang out with her I don't like her she's mean, she tells lies, yadda yadda and she's all what are you talkign about hallie is so sweet, f that no she isn't lol. O well i'll just have to come up with my own plan I guess lol. I haven't ever been one to take revenge on anyone, ever, but this girl has gone too far and she's gonna pay big.

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It's sad that you don't feel you can handle this more maturely than to extract revenge. You are 17 years old now, don't you think it's about time you stopped these silly one up high school tactics and handled yourself like the adult you almost are?

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Even if she's visiting your cousin, nobody is forcing you to hang out with her. Are they forcing you into a car, plopping you down next to her and moving your mouth to force you to have a conversation with her?


Sounds like you want to hang out with her so you can get her back. Think of how hurt and annoyed you are by her -- it might make it better temporarily to inflict the same on her, but it's pretty childish.

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It's sad that you don't feel you can handle this more maturely than to extract revenge. You are 17 years old now, don't you think it's about time you stopped these silly one up high school tactics and handled yourself like the adult you almost are?

An eye for an eye.

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An eye for an eye.


...would leave the world blind.




It's that kind of thinking that causes gang senseless gang violence that kills innocent people


Surely as human beings we are above animals intellectually in that we can reason and show restraint and class, and control our impulses.


The best revenge is to not let foolish critiscisms by ignorant people affect us.

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