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I suck at relationships/finding bfs

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k I met this awsome guy who I hanged out TWICE with. He lives about n hr and a half away. Anyways, I slept with him on the second date, and I haevnt talked to him since like 3 days ago, in which we only chatted online for about 10 min about random things. Anyways, Im debating whether I should call him or let him call me. I know this is childish games but I really like this guy, I havent liked someone like this in a very very long time

Please save the speech about how I should've waited to have sex w/him, I already know it was too soon, it just kinda happened.


My dillemma is that I dont want him to think Im needy, I dont want to drive him away, what do I do?!?

He mentioned a while ago about us hanging out this sunday, but I dont want to bring that up cuz shouldnt he ask ME bout that?


and yes, dating is NOT one of my best attributes, in fact I suck at it and have the worst luck at it.


Sorry for this long post

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It's an unfortunate fact that most guys will sleep with a girl just because they can, regardless of how interested (or not) they are in them.


It is because of this that it is recommended to hold off sleeping with a guy until some sort of relationship is established, and most women have a preset minimum of about four or five dates.


If you are able to get a guy to go out with you more than three times, then it's quite likely he has a genuine interest in you. If he pushes to have sex sooner, then that's likely all he is interested in... and if you push to have sex sooner, then he may feel that was all you wanted too.


If you want to pursue things, I highly recommend not contacting him more than once per week... but not less often than every other week. If you don't end up getting together within the next month, then it's for certain a lost cause.

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I have always used the two day rule. When you get a number wait two days to call. When you have a date wait two days. You get the point.


Personally if you like him and you had sex with him I would think that a phone call is ok. Just remember not all men are created equally and what is ok for one guy may not be ok with another.


Keep that in mind when making up your mind.


Good luck.


P.S. I stink at dating too. I have very bad luck with the dating scene too. I know your pain on that respect.

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some guy, by contacting do you mean aiming or more up front like calling??


I did aim him yesterday just to say hi (he had an away msg, wasnt around). Does that count as contacting to you?


Yes, any form of contact (phone, aim, msn, icq, email, postal letter, running into him in person) counts as contact.

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