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aight here it goes......like me n this one girl been gettin really close lately n stuff and we talked bout us datin before.....but like she kinda has these 3 guys that i guess like her but she doesnt know how she feels and wants to date one of them but she knows that they are all bad for her and she wont really be happy and she told me that she knows that if she wants a good relationship thats gonna last that she would date me n stuff and she always comes to be talkin bout this stuff and we open up n all this stuff and we still flirt and are really close bout that stuff but i dont know how to tell her how to get her off of those guys and onto me....she already know i like her if someone can help that would be great aight thanx later

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hey bro, I think the best thing you can do is to show her a good time everytime you are with her. It sounds dum, but you would be surprised how many people forget. Just make sure to be charming and funny, be a gentlemen when ever you are with her.


It would be sure to win her heart. Remember you can't convince a girl to like or date you with words. You have to sweep them off of their feet.


gl, pm me if you have any questions.

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