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Showing you care.

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Tell your how she makes you feel (the good stuff). Hugs, kisses, i love yous.. etc... get her something for no reason... something sweet just to let her know you care... spend time togehter so you can talk and just hang out... hope those helped

oh yeah... and open a door and stuff like that too

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I'm no guy, but I can tell you what my boyfriend does to make me feel loved. He's a complete gentleman. He's considerate of my feelings and listens when I need to talk. He holds my hand; in public or not. When he does he kisses it, and that gives a good feeling. When we're laying around watching a movie, instead of the usual make out things, he sometimes just leans over and kisses my forehead. He sometimes takes the time to write me notes, even though he hates doing it, but knows I like them. I can go on and on.


It's true when they say the smallest things are the best. Just simple things like playing with the girls hair or kissing her hand can do wonders in the "feeling loved" department.

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Tell her your feelings.

Talk to her about anything.

Hug her, Hold her, Kiss her. Where ever and whenever the feeling takes you.

Through the smallest things: like if you are out for a walk and it's cold, give her your jacket and hold her from behind.

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Be interested in her life, ask her questions about her day, don't get up and start painting your house after sex Pay attention to what she likes and do something that shows you were paying attention. Example: one time I went to the zoo with the guy that I was dating at the time and I thought a certain type of animal was really cool, and for my birthday, he made me an origami figure of that animal, i.e paying attention is not expensive!. Also, I have to read a lot for my job, so once in a while he would scribble funny little notes in the margins and it would crack me up when I found them (why did I break up with this guy?). The little things count.

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