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Update: on my situation > Opinions?

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Okay guys, a little advice needed.

It's not really about what I should do next with my ex, but something else.

To fill you all in.. my ex and I went to the beach on Tuesday with a few of her girl friends.. and we had an awesome time.. swam, burried me haha.. etc, then me, my ex, and one of her friends came back here, and I cooked some steaks and chicken on the BBQ for them, which were very well done then we swam for a few hours together, during this time she got me to pick her up in the pool, and she stuck a hose down my shorts and held it there, and she slapped my butt a few times when I was out of the pool and we were obviously flirting.


Then this mutual female friend of ours came over ... and my ex's friend left, so it was just the 3 of us.. and i was swimming around in the pool, and I saw my ex and my friend talking. Half an hour or so passed.. and my ex left, so it was just me and the friend. She told me that my ex said that she likes me now.. she said that she likes me. I was like.. Wow!


She then came over the next day for a few hours to swim, and slapped my butt again with the fly swatter! and then had to go to soccer. And im having my pool party saturday and my parents aren't home, but they know about it.. and im having my friends over, (her included).


Anyways, that's where I stand now... and what I am wondering is.. when I come online on msn/icq now, she doesn't talk to me right away.. I usually talk to her, because I have to tel her something. It's been about 20 minutes since i've come online, and she hasn't said anything.. he status is "Away" but she is usually there.


I'm not asking for advice on what to do with my ex in a relationship sense because on saturday, I have a plan.. but im wondering, what should I do in this situation, should I just talk to her?? or should I just not bother.. so she knows that im not bending over backwards for her.


I don't feel obligated to talk, and I don't feel the pressure that I did when we were together before, this is what shows me that i've changed, or at least that im changing.. because I feel a lot more calm, and my heart does't race when she comes online, but I still LOVE talking/spending time with her. I've realized she's just another human being.. and it's nothing to be worked up about.. but


What do I do??

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I think that if you know she's interested and you know she has feelings for you again then play aloof and let her come to you. Racing after her might scare her off especially since she's your ex-gf so she probably knows the games you play. Be yourself but most of all be cool -- if you have a plan then stick to it. Don't worry about IM'ing her or calling her all the time just yet.

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