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I work at a grocery store and have a huge crush on one of my co-workers. She is gay and is either single or in a casual relationship. I've liked her for a little over a year. I've done all I could possibly think of to flirt with her and to let her know that I'm into her. While we are at work she flirts with me and is very nice. Yesterday I invited her to go see Billy Idol at the Wiltern. I know that Idol is one of her favorites. She turned me down. The next time I saw her at work she acted as if nothing happened. She's acted the same towards me since that incident. She always acts jealous when I talk with another co-worker about going out (just as friends). She never goes out of her way to hang out with me (after work or something). Because of this, I keep telling myself that she doesn't like me. Maybe not even as friends. But when I'm around her, I keep getting my hopes up because of the way she acts. She jokes around with me, always is asking me questions about myself, etc.. I just don't know what she wants from me. It seems like we just experience one extreme or another. Hates me or likes me. What do you guys think??? PLEASE HELP!!!!!! Is there anything I should do or say?





Off to the beach... 8)

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She may be a player, that's possible...or she might be a friendly person who doesn't want the friendship to go beyond the workplace. Maybe she considers you a work friend, and doesn't want more than that?


It is better to ask people on dates face to face. It is really important to see their reactions and body language.

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What is it with all these indecisive women?! Maybe she had to go because she had somebody waiting, maybe she has given up on you because she thinks you are not interested, or maybe she is currently dating somebody else.


Ask her out again, this time face-to-face and see what she says. If she says "no", just look really sad so she changes her mind

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