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if you ever read ne of my posts...a lot are about

me just not wanting to move anymore.


Im tired of how things are, but im stuck where i am.


I live with my dad and i am 17, my bro lives with my dad too.


It seems like everythings falling apart


Us as a family aren't. We always are fighting, arguing, complaining, critisizing one another, dis ageeing, or taking one side and gaining up on eachother .


It's aweful. As for my mom...she had cps called on her. Alot is happeneding.


I don't know quite what to do. I don't drive yet, had my permant for a while but still not quite ready for drivers license test. I'd like to be tho.

My dad was supose to put me in a class to learn how to drive, a 2 day thing. and then he lost his job...


he's got a new job now.


I don't know...everything sucks yall!! both my bro and my dad work, but

I am old enough to work...i just don't know if im ready. I always have planned to be driving before working so that i didn't have to depend on the bus or a ride who's supose to be at my house at a certain time.


A lot of things aren't going right and I don't know

what to do really...


I don't know what im asking from the readers who read this, just wanted to get this off my chest ...I gues

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I have expierienced this problem as well but if you look in the newspaper there are just that are available there all the time. If you see a job and you like it call them and tell your situation about the trasportation, they will more than likely find a way to get you to work and back, trust me i have dont ir for a year until i wa able to afford my own car. as far as family goes, all families have their ups and downs. If your bro or dad ever say anything remotley disgusting to you and you know its not true then disregard it. Who cares what other people think. Its what you think thats important.

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