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Please help me out. About my friend.

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would it be considered weird if someone's boyfriend broke their heart but for some reason it made them love and care about that person sooo much more?? and if she could she would tell him how she feels and that she still loves him... NOW is that weird??? i know it is but still you can't help the way you feel... and someone told her that he still likes her....


What should she do???



if you have an answer respond to this post ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Honestly, if he cheated on her, and she wants to accept him back, how can you trust him not to do it again. Some people say once a cheater always a cheater, but you never know, people do change, but it all depends on the guy. My advice is to confront him, tell him your willing to get back together with him BUT he has to prove to you that you can earn his trust, once you earn his trust, then go back out with him, but if your not sure, DONT. Follow your instincts.

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whats unforgivable to one person can be fully pardoned by another, we all have our own sense of values.


My opinion is that "trust" is a very major issue in a relationship.


In the case of this girl "loving him more" after he cheated on her, seems more like Ego and pride to me, does she love him more because he has proven he has good merits? (i doubt it) or does she wants him more because she feels insecure and needs to "win" him back?


Or does she feel the need to beat that girl and get the prize?


these are some deep questions she needs to ask herself, most girls would say, "he isnt good enough for me, ill get someone that I can trust, and respects me, and loves me as much I him"


like I said, we all have our limits and values, she needs to find out what her values are.

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Gilgamesh, your right and i agree with what you are saying, she needs to find out what she really wants and if she really wants him back then go at it girl, but the thing is if she does get back with him, and he cheats on her again, she will be even more crushed than the first time it happened, so like gilgamesh said, Ask yourself what u really want, just make sure u dont regret the actions you have made.

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would it be considered weird if someone's boyfriend broke their heart but for some reason it made them love and care about that person sooo much more?? and if she could she would tell him how she feels and that she still loves him... NOW is that weird??? i know it is but still you can't help the way you feel... and someone told her that he still likes her....


What should she do???

In relationships you can learn to over come the obstacle(s) and together move forward. Making over the obstacle(s) together can bring a stronger bond, make the relationship/love stronger.

I think to move forward in that relationship each should tell eachother how they feel and what their thinking. It is very vitial for eachone to express what's going on, other wise the right hand isn't going to know what the left hand is doing and together they can no longer coordinate, unless they come together to share the load.

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