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hes my friend...but im gettin mix signals from him...

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iight so i have this guy friend...we really havnt been that close of friends for a really long time...but we're pretty good friends...well one day he asked me to be his f**k buddy...well i had a b/f at the time so i just said i couldn't answer that right now....well now i dont have a b/f and i want to be more than just friends with im..i always have...and like he likes me, cuz thats what he said and hes told a few people that i know...but i dont think he wants to be in a relationship right now...i dont know..what should i do? please help!

thanx bunches

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Well, how many times have I been in that situation??? Too many to count. [Just wait till friends tell you they love you to get you to bed.] This guy could be doing one of two things.


1. He could be a big jerk who wants a stroke of his ego (among other things). If you know he's got that "playa" rep-uta-tion, give him lots of time to tell if his intentions are honorable.


2. He really likes you (probably a lot!!) and thought by joking with you, you would take more of an interest in him. Little did he know that you would be single soon. That kind of a change probably intimidated him, and now he's too shy to admit he likes you.


I think once you do a little more searching about your friend, you'll know the answer. Boys that want a f**k buddy should never be your buddy period, they just end up hurting you. However, if he really is a sweet guy, he was just trying to be macho. What do you think?

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Well the term "f*&k buddy means sex without any commitment, and the fact that he just blurted that out to you doesnt show much respect. he knew you had a b/f at the time and asked you to cheat on your b/f and sleep with you, id take that as an insult, basically he is calling you a slut.


And whatever you do dont fall under the impression that you can make a guy fall in love with you by having sex with him. that dont work.


But if all your looking for is companionship and sex, well go for it, nothing wrong with being f#$k buddies as long as no one gets hurt, your single now. its your body. but if you expect something more out of this you will be hurt!.

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i'm the type of person that it's yes or no, black or white there is no inbetween, so keep that in mind while i give you my advise. I don't see the sense in being *** budies, there's no use in it. I would tell him that if he really did like you then go out with you. But, if all he wanted was someone to play with I would tell him no. I had the same problem w/ my ex gf she broke up w/ me because "it was too perfect" and she wanted to be friends w/ benifits and i told her no. If she wanted me she would have to take all of me not just the sexual part. I also think that *** buddies would be a very bad way to start beacuse it sounds like you really want a realationship but if you do it this way you might not ever get the chance.



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