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gf wont stop freaking out

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Ok, heres the deal. Every month, my gf goes crazy around the time her period comes, and is absolutely sure that shes pregnant. This has taken place probably 20 times, and of course, she never ends up pregnant. I always have to calm her down and promise her that she isn't. I really cant understand how she freaks out this much, considering we havent had sex yet, and we only fool around once a week or so. I understand that pregnancy is a scary thing, especially for the girl, but Im getting really impatient with this. Any advice or suggestions would really help. Thanks.

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listen...the fact that you're not having sex and juts fooling around is probably more reason for her to be so nervous. because if you were having sex there would be protection, but without intercourse you guys probably dont use condoms or birth control. and go on any website, ask any sex educator, pregnancy is possible trhough dry sex/outercourse. now the chances are EXTREMELY LOW and if shes having such anxiety so often she need to use protection whenever you guys fool around so that she knows theres no chance. and for her to tlak to her doctor and get the FACTS, maybe even get a few morning after pills just incase. just dont share this with her: that you're starting to get impatient. honestly i totally see where you're ocming from even though im a girl, and i know its tough for you to deal with this but as a girl i also know what its like to countdown the days to your period and thats really scary so just be empathetic and tell her some of the above that i mentioned.

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To be honest, i used to be the same way. I was terrified of becoming pregnant. I knew everything about how it occurred, and there was no way I was but yet I would be terrified every month.


Is she taking birth control pills? do you use condoms/protection? Really be sensitive to her, trust me I nearly went beserk a few times myself. She isn't trying to be nuts, it's scary sometimes to be a girl


I never freaked as much as she does though. How old is this girl? I see you are 19, is she much younger than you? good luck!

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where can you get mornign after pills??? do they just give them to you? if you aren't 18 yet then will they still give them to you? my cousin thinks she is pregnant and if she isnt' and she continues to keep fooling around (which she will) I need to get her some, actually I probably will be needing some soon too lol.

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where can you get mornign after pills??? do they just give them to you? if you aren't 18 yet then will they still give them to you? my cousin thinks she is pregnant and if she isnt' and she continues to keep fooling around (which she will) I need to get her some, actually I probably will be needing some soon too lol.


You need a prescription from your doctor, or you can sometimes get them with the doctor's permission/prescription from a reproductive health clinic such as Planned Parenthood or Healthquarters.


For both of you I'd be more concerned as to why you aren't using condoms, as the morning after pill does nothing for STD's like AIDS, Herpes (both of which are irreversable by the way) chlamydia, gonnorhea, HPV, etc.

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Morning After Pills (MAP) are just high dose birth control. They are only meant to be used for emergencies [For example, friend of mine took them once when she got drunk at a new year's eve party and wasn't sure if her boyfriend had used a condom that night] not as regular birth control.


You have to go to a doctor to get a prescription and they have to be taken within 72 hours after having unprotected sex, though the sooner the better. MAP doesn't protect against any diseases, only pregnancy, and should not be relied upon even for preventing pregnancy as the failure rate is still fairly high.


If you want birth control just do regular birth control pills, it's basically the same thing as MAP but at a dosage level where you take them all month rather then within 24 hours.

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Well, that is a bit of an irrational fear...given you are not having sex and I assume you are careful to not get semen close to her where it *could* get her pregnant. It sounds like she either is really confused on how pregnancy occurs, or is a bit over-dramatic.


I say you should get her on the birth control pill to lessen her fears and also if/when you DO have sex use a condom in addition to the pill. The condom is essential also for STD protection and does add as an extra against pregnancy (but use pill to just in case, with proper use it is more effective).


I would say you might even want to use such protection when fooling around if she reacts that badly.


She should also learn a bit about her own cycle to be aware of the changes she feels prior to her period...for example she should know by now her "symptoms" are PMS, not pregnancy.


I am guessing she is pretty young though...though I can see why it is stressful on you to have her reacting like that every month....yikes. What is going to happen when/if you DO start having sex

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yeah, we are always careful not to let any semen get close to her down there, but she always thinks about the "what if's". And raykay, I really dont know what we are going to do when we DO start having sex. I know she will freak out even more, even if she is on the pill and I am wearing a condom. God im so frustrated...

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Well, if she is on the pill regularly and you are wearing a condom correctly, then worrying about getting pregnant is like worrying that a meteor will hit you as you are walking accross the street. (Sure, she can get pregnant, but it's such a slim chance, it's not worthwhile to worry about.) Sometimes there is bad luck that is unavoidable, and that's life. You can't spend your entire life hiding in the bedroom closet because you are afraid of something happening.

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