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Alright, so say I and my boyfriend had sex on like, Tuesday, the 14th, Friday the 17th and Saturday the 18th, and I am expecting my period next friday, the 24th. If I were to conceive, would I not get my period? Would it still come, but not be as heavy as it normally is? I wondered about this quite a bi; I know it's not easy to get pregnant, but if it were to happen like a week out from my period, would I miss that period?

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If you were pregnant you would not get your period.


You may get some light spotting early in a pregnancy and with any spotting you should see your obstetrician. Spotting would be defined as bleeding that left fairly tiny spots of blood on your underwear.

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If you were pregnant you would not get your period.


That's not true. I've known people who've had what appeared to be normal periods and then later found out they were pregnant throughout that time. But you are normally ovulating a day or two before you have your period, which is the time where you'll get pregnant.


Hope I helped!



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Sorry Jaiva, this is not correct. Ovulation starts approximately 14 days before your next period is due.


A period is the shedding of the lining of the uterus and dissolving of the egg. An embryo, were it to survive, attaches to the lining of the uterus and the uterus will not shed if a fertilised egg is attached (sorry, it may shed but you will lose the egg and will no longer be pregnant).


It is likely that the initial bleeding experienced will be as a result of the embryo implanting to the uterus wall.


You cannot have your normal period and still be pregnant. You may have bleeding though and still be pregnant.

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I never said I was an OB/GYN I've never studied it I've only learned from other's mistakes/experiences. You might know more that I do because you've been around a lot longer than I have. I've been known to be wrong about a thing or too. That just means that I have to do more research in order to increase my knowledge of pregnancy and women's health.



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Well, I too, have heard that some women continue to get their period throughout their pregnancy, but it is so extremely rare, from what I've read, it almost seems like an urban legend. Some women have light bleeding during the first few months of pregnancy. Here's a link that appears to have some reputable info:


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In any case, your doctor is the right person to consult. He or she can give you a definitive answer to if you're pregnant or not.

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Women can get a period during pregnancy - while some rare cases will get it throughout, typically those who do will only get it in the first trimester. Usually there may be some small differences from your regular period though - it will be lighter and shorter than your normal period. Heavy bleeding with clotting would likely signal a loss of the pregnancy - but if you are not paying attention, it can be easy to miss those small differences.


One of my friends in high school actually continued to get her period and did not know she was pregnant until she was 3.5 months along (she did have some other symptoms but passed it off as the flu due to having a period).


Some women also have implantation bleeding at the time they would normally have first period. This is blood left over from when the egg implanted the week or so before, and at this point will be usually very light, and a brown or sometimes pink colour as opposed to red blood.


I am not sure why you are asking this since you are not due for your period for a few days...are you two trying to conceive? Are you having unprotected sex?


If any of the latter, I would say take a pregnancy test if your period seems a little different then usual, or of course if you don't get one at all!

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No no, I am not saying I think I am pregnant. I was saying that say I am due to get my period in like (rhetorical) 5 days. Tonight I have sex and we conceive... 5 days later would I still get my period? Maybe conceive is not the correct term for what I am thinking: one of his sperm fertilizes one of my eggs; conception, no? Or lets push it even closer, say I am supposed to get my period in 3 days, and tonight I conceive....would I still get my period or would it take more time for that particular symptom to show up? Would I bleed a little and then all of a sudden (record needle scratch) it stops?


I was just wondering, we are definetly not trying to have a baby, and we are using protection. We don't have sex every night like bunnies either, so that's good too. I was just wondering. It's one of those "What if...then what?" games you come up with when you're bored.

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erm.... well... it's not clear cut like that. You have a very very low possibility of getting pregnant 5 days before your period as most women ovulate on day 14 of their menses. Once the egg is gone, you would have a hard time getting pregnant.


Each women's hormones are different. If for some reason, a woman didn't ovulate until day 23 of her menses, I suppose you could get pregnant, but the period seems like it would be messed up anyways, if you have a 35 day cycle....


BTW, I prefer crosswords when I am bored

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