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my ex is being a real beep!!!!!!!!!

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Ok so we were on and off, so we just decided, well i did anyway, that we should just be friends. He sempt ok with it, and we continued to talk, well HAhaha, all the sudden he's being a major beep! I just got on the the other day and told him that I prob wont be on for a few days cause I wouldn't have been. I had lots of plans with my cousin and family. and We were gonna go hang out with a guy that I like. I told my ex that (as of like maybe 2 weeks ago) we should just be friends, and dating other people was fine. keep in mind that I didn't see this guy I like now when I told him that, as of now me and this guy are just friends, not even that really, we just flrit a lot and I like him but I dont' think he even knows that. So that's not why I said we should just be friends, it's just the ldr is too hard and I want to be able to date people here, im only 17 lol.

anyways He is evidently looking for some other people too, which is fine cause that was the plan. so why would he be mad at me?

I just got on aol to talk to him and I was all hi, and he says nothign, so I was like well if you don't wanna talk then just say so and I'll go, so he's all I do but I don't, so I said bye and you shouldn't be mad at me.

he so shouldn't, rrrrrrrrrrrrr. that makes me so mad.

Is he being dumb? or am I being dumb? or is it both of us. rrrrrrrrr.

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i don't know if i got this right, but you told him that you were going out to hang out with someone you liked? well if that is the case, yea he is prolly upset. i don't like it when my ex comes up and tells me about all the girls he likes, so i don't go up and tell him about the guys that i like now, it does kinda hurt. it sounds like you ex still has feelings for you, and it is sometimes pretty hard to be friends when those feelings are still there. you should talk to him about it and see if that is why he is upset with you.

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What I don't understand is why you are even still talking to one another if you are broken up. It's clear that neither one of you has the capacity to maintain a friendship at this time, esp. if one of you is trying to move on and the other is clearly not ready to move on.


If I were you, I would let him go and move on with your own life. This means no emailing. no calls, no IM's, nothing.


Give him and yourself the chance to move on.

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