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My friend and I were so close

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Mmk, so I don't think this fits in any of the other topics but here it goes. I drive around A LOT with this one frined of mine. Sometimes we just drive with nowhere to go. I think its fun, but its even better when we both see some chicks doing the same thing. I'm always telling him that somewhere there are two chicks doing the same thing we do, just looking for guys, a la us.

So I was driving him home tonight and we are listening to the radio and for no apparent reason these two girls call up and just talk to the DJ.

He was like what are you doing?

They said we're just driving around cause were loosers and I'm with my hot friend.

That was basically what was said, so I told my friend to call the station up and get their numbers.

He does and then they play his voice over the station later on and the DJ asked the other girls to call back the station. The girls call back, and then they asked for us to call back. BUT WE COULD NOT GET THROUGH!!!!! The lines were so damn busy, but luckly we both got through(I had to drop him off and I went home) cause we called at separate times. But both times we got disconnected and we kind of gave up. I tired to keep this short so there are tons of details I left out. Anyways I'm just ranting now, would have been a good happy ending story for here but oh well. There are plenty of others, right?

Just kind of peaved(spelling?) that that did not work out.

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I think if you are looking to pick up on some girls together or even just by yourself you need to stop driving around looking for girls in cars and start going to clubs, or dance places.

ask someone you are interested out in college or something, but driving around isn't gonna find you anyone imo anyways.

well good luck .


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