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Anyone have any thoughts on voicemail?

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Ok, so we've been here before...You go to a bar, you meet a girl, you have a great time, and you get her number. Whether you call her the next day, 2 days later, or whenever, many times we get the voicemail when we call.


Now here's my thing. Today, people always give their cell phones that have Caller ID, so you can't hang up and call back again. So you leave a message. But is this a turn off for girls? I mean, it's tough because you're talking to a machine.


I guess what I'm asking is...How long do you wait before calling a girl after you meet her? Do you leave a voicemail if it picks up? If she doesn't call back, do you call again at any time? Or do people like text messaging better? Just some questions for everyone.

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I would like for the guy to call me within 2-3 days. Also if you get my voicemail it's because I'm busy at the time or I want to hear what you have to say on the voicemail. Just leave a quick little message telling her that you enjoyed yourself the other night and would like to see her again and to give you a call.

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You can call next day or day after that, leave a msg everytime you call (you want her to do the same so set the right precident), calling is preferred to texting, and if she doesn't call back don't call again. If she won't return a msg, it wouldn't have worked out anyways cause she doesn't respect you enough to return your calls.

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Ok so here's the deal...A question more for the women:


I meet a girl last night at the bar. We have a great time talking to each other for about 2 hours. We're kissing a lot towards the end of the night. I walked her home to her door. I get her number and she tells me that I should call her today in the afternoon sometime. I called her around 4 hours ago and left a voicemail. She hasn't returned my call yet.


Does this mean that she isn't interested? Or should I just wait it out? Or should I call later again? Women confuse me

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here is what i would prefer:


call her 3-4 days after youve met. assuming you met on a friday or saturday night, call her on tuesday or wednesday. that way, you can try to make plans for the following weekend without it being too far in advance (seems eager) or too last minute (makes her feel unimportant!)


if you get the machine (which you probably will) leave a nice message saying you had a nice time with her and you were wondering if she'd like to get together again, blah blah blah. make sure you leave your phone number incase her phone doesnt record it


dont call her again, just wait to hear from her. if she wants to hang out/talk, she will definetly call you back. nothing turns a girl off more than pushiness!

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Well some people don't like to answer their phones for unfamiliar caller ids....they think that if it's someone they know, the person will leave a voicemail. I know, because I'm like this myself! So you did good leaving the voicemail. But as far as worrying about how long ago its been since you called and she hasn't called you back....I think you're A-OK. Maybe something came up. Who knows. But, my advice is to just sit tight and she'll probably call you back either tonight or tomorrow afternoon.

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Okay not everyone is great about checking their messages. Or they're busy throughout the day and don't get around to it until after normal call time hours. If you don't hear from her in a few days, then I would try once more before assuming she's not interested. Yes it has been days before I got a message from my cell phone then I just feel ackward and don't always return the call. I'm not a big phone person and often forget to check my cell's voicemail. I only remember to check my home phone because it beeps, even then it's no guarantee I'll get back to the person.

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Yeah dude, same thing happened to me today. I met this girl on wednesday at a college orientation thing, and we seemed to get along really well. At the end when the two of us were alone, she and I exchanged numbers. She said we should hangout or party sometime this summer, then she said maybe this weekend. Later she hugged me then we both left our sepparate ways. I called her last night to see if she wanted to do anything this weekend, probably today. I got the machine, left a message and waited to see if she would call back. Well she did, fairly promptly too. It was no longer than a half hour after I called that she called back. She was in a noisey area so she tried to carry a conversation the best she could, but later said "how about I call you tomorow morning". I said sure that would be great.


So today, I got up, showered, and carried out my usual morning duties waiting for her call. I waited for a while so I thought, if she dosent call by 1:30, I'll call her. I thought this because maybe she expected me to call. So I did, left a kind message, then went off to go mountain biking as I had planned before she said she'd call me. Now its nearly 8:00, still no call, so I'm not sure of what to take from this, especially since she was very prompt about returning my call last night. Any idea whats going on? Maybe something came up?

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Well, its 6:30 pm the day after I called and still no call back. I am kind of confused, because as I said, she responded quickley to my call the night before that. I'm not sure if she has lost interest, had something come up, or just isn't good about returning calls. What do you guys think?

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Probably should have waited and let her call back since she said she would. By you calling she may think you're needy or desperate. Just my opinion but take it w/a HUGE GRAIN OF SALT since I have little to no experience w/women. LOL I'm just basing my opinion on other situations that friends have told me about etc.

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Until she shows you something (ie. apology and excuse for not calling you back, her making an uninitiated phone call) you shouldn't call her ever again. And don't go up and talk to her when you see her either. Not in the fall, not ever. She showed you disrespect by not returning your call and you shouldn't be ok with that. Zero tolerance on this kind of stuff. You're not a doormat and you're not a puppet. And if you're hitting on a ton of girls between now and then, you probably won't even want to call her. Get out there, you can do it!

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Yeah dude, I do feel disrespected, and I'm pretty pissed off about it. She showed alot of interest when I met her, and even on the phone two nights ago, so again something may of came up. But as you said, until she redeems her self by returning my call and apologizing, I'm not calling or talking to her again. Your right, I'm not her puppet and I'm not going to wait arround for her since she hasn't had the decency to show the respect of returning a call, so I'm going to continue to meet new women and have a good time doing it.

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