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To everyone who goes through a break up

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Look I just broke up with my g/f of one year, because we just weren't there for each other anymore and we really didn't communicate all that much anymore. But whenever we were together it always felt so special, but my point is that after a while you have to move on. Don't let it destroy your confidence in yourself. There will always be more girls/guys out there for you. Maybe not exactly like the one you were attached to but there always is. The funny story behind my breakup is that I just started to work out again for summer, well I strolled into a local health food store, and made a really good friend, possible dating material and it all happened just by chance. So remember it can happen anytime, anywhere. Breaking up really really sucks, but you have to fight through the emotions to reach a positive mental state. I always look at breakups as opportunities to improve myself. It's also a great time to reunite with old friends if you haven't hung out with your buddies in a while. Just remember in the end, the only person you can depend on is yourself. Even if someone says you can depend on them, in the end it all comes down to you.

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Hope all goes well for you.


I think we should all remember not to lose touch with our friends when dating. Sometimes you can't get them back again. We should balance the aspects of our lives - relationship, friends, work, time for ourselves, etc.

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  • 3 weeks later...

8) You are right! Thats what I am working on so hard,and I am

trying to do it!

Everyone tells me that I made my ex boyfriend look good,he didn't

make me look good.

My friends and family tell me I'm so attractive and that I have it all.

People tell me I look great,and have a nice body,ect......

but I am not high on myself. I have self esteem issues and I was in

an emotionally abusive marriage that I am glad is over with,and getting

a divorce and trying to move on now.

My ex boyfriend started becoming emotional abusive also over time.

I guess a low self image from a bad marriage sets you up like an

easy target for the next beast in line?

People tell me that I have it all in the looks department,but I'm always

asking myself,Why do I get treated so badly then if I'm such a knock-

out? Why do men love to hurt me so much when I am good to them?

This is all a nightmare. I thought I found my soul mate with my ex-

boyfriend. He was so good to me for awhile before he showed the

control freak that he is. He has broken up with me for the third time

now. I am so tired of this emotional terror,yet I'm still in love with him.

Shame on me!!!!

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