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Quite Embarassing...

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This is quite embarrassing but I feel as though I need the help and I know nowhere else to turn. Alright, so this is pretty personal and all but its something that I'm trying to deal with. Basically whats going on is me being embarrassed about having an erection with a girl I'm seeing. Its a pretty natural thing I know, but i REALLY don't want to have one while we are kissing or cuddling but I seriously cannot help it. I'm sure this is something that every guy goes through and I was just wondering what maybe some of you guys do to get past this or deal with it. And I would like to hear from girls too, like if they knew the guy had one but they didn't mind or just thoughts in general. This is pretty embarrassing, and I feel weird even asking but I don't know what else to do. thank you!

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There really isn't much you can do. It's perfectly normal especially when you are getting intimate. Really the only way to avoid it would be to set your mind on something else and then you really wouldn't be enjoying all the kissing and cuddling!


Talk it over with your girl. It's nothing to be embarrassed about.

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There really isn't much you can do.


I agree with avman. If she gets offended, which I highly doubt that she will, than she isn't the kind of person you want to be with. I don't know you or your girlfriend, but that is my opinion. Really, she should take it as a compliment. There are some girls who just can't do that to a guy.

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It is totally normal. Please don't feel embarrassed. This type of thing happens often, I would talk to her about it and let her know what you think and feel and hopefully she'll have some words that will reassure you. Making out feels great and both people have blood rushing to that area, its only with guys that we can tell. So please do not worry, that reaction is normal. Hope this helps.

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I have never known a girl to get offended by a guy they are making out/cuddling with having an erection! In fact, it is flattering, as we want to be able to turn the man we like/love on. And, I bet she is getting pretty turned on at the same time, you just don't have as many "obvious" signs to it.


Don't be embarrassed, as she would probably sense your discomfort anyway and then feel discomfort herself when really it is not necessary!

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Why are you embarased??? You don't want her to notice you have a penis??? Come on man, the whole purpose of kissing and making out is to get turned on, and if your little friend down there didn't come up she would be really upset.


Its natural, it is entirely human and expected.


Worry about enjoying it, stop trying to hide it!

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*lol* I'm sorry...I used to think the same way the original poster did...I used to think it was embarrasing but I've learned differently. Yeah...so dude..there's nothing wrong with being aroused by your woman. It's totally natural dude. 8)

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well being a "sufferer" of the same thing i think i could have something to say on this matter lol...

my girlfriend doesnt really care... she gives me crap for it all the time but she is just joking around with me... and sometimes me being excited gets her excited... and well thats EXCITING lol... but seriously she doesnt care at all and i think shes actualy flattered by it...

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Just about any girl would be flattered. Not only that, but some would probably really, really like it, and most girls would probably be in a very similar position anyway.


There's nothing at all to be ashamed about. You shouldn't try to hide it.




Just a little note: If you feel so ashamed that you simply cannot resist the urge to hide your erection, don't use a baseball cap or anything like that. While some of us girls might not notice a guy's erection (unless we're looking for one, of course), we are going to notice if you always keep a hat in your lap whenever we're around. But I still stand by everyone else... don't try to hide it.

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  • 2 months later...

I was with this chick i had liked for afew years and we were at a party and we had wondered off into the darkness (it was at a beach) she pretty much jumped on me and started pashing me and moaning lol moaning gets me everytime- i got a bonerrrrr haha and she was like right on it and i felt kinda embarrased but i didn't really care i was alright about it enough to say 'your bending my boner' haha and she said back 'u shudnt even have one' ahaha hows that a repsonse for ya lol


She was flattered though lol she told me, she's just used to guys who have alot more experience and dont get erected until they put it in a vice or something meh lol


Anyways hope this shows there are others in the same boat, dun worry about it!

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