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My ex called after 2 months of NC and sounded pissed!?

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Well, some may know my story about doing NC w/ex for the last 2 months. I told her not to call me anymore otherwise she would call alot even while she was dating others, and I couldn't take it anymore, and also applied NC because she told me she could not date me again. She was mad that I did this and of course abided by my NC wishes probably to get even or something.


Well, she called me tonight while I was at work and left a message. She said "letting you know I have 2 of your movies." then she hung up. She sounded very bitter and still pissed, after 2 months!! I did not ask for the movies back while we were doing NC, but I guess she figured I wanted them back. I have been doing STRICT NC with her for 2 solid months.


So, should I call her back tomorrow, which I feel partially like I could talk to her a bit. It has been 2 months. What do you think she wants? I know she is dating someone else from mutual friends.


Why does she sound SO pissed? You think she still wouldn't be mad.


What should I say when I call her? I would like to maybe move into VERY light friends because she is a fun person, and more importantly I want to show her a new and improved side of me. The confident, out and about, dating, just got a great job new side of me she doesn't know! I have done alot of work on myself these last few months.

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I would suggest you don't call her. If you don't want these movies back well then maintain the NC. She is probably pissed off because she has broken the NC rule and she wants to talk to you but she doesn't want to come accross that she needs to speak with you to pump her own ego.


Your doing well, why show her the new found you, just let her hear about how well your doing and how confident you are through third parties. Speaking to her may set u back a little.

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Don't bother calling her. She's mad that you haven't contacted her. She feels neglected and feel she's not getting the attention.


You're the one in control now. If you call her back, she wins. If you show that you don't care and make her realize what she has done to you hurt you, she will likely to try & come back crying.


This girl just sound like a big problem to begin with


Keep up the good work...it doesn't sound like she's even worth your time. Just don't let yourself give in when she tries to draw attention like this!!!

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keep the ball in your court by not calling! I know it is hard, i deal with the same thing so i just took my ex out of speed dial on my cell phone and i am thinking about erasing his phone book entry all together! My ex had my sublime cd,and I love Sublime. I jsut went and bought the same cd. Let him have it...I can afford the 14 bucks for the cd. After all, can you put a price on your pride???? Besides, yousaid you didnt even want the dumb old movies anyways.

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My advice....If you want to call her, then call her. If you don't want to talk to her, hear her voice or anything like that, then don't call her. Simple as that. No offense to anyone, but it's not about who "wins" because to me winning and losing is only for when games are played. And to me, we cause ourselves unneccesary grief when we approach love/break-ups with a im-not-going-to-give-in-first-because-to-get-the-results-that-I-want-i-HAVE-to-win-this approach .


During the year that I have been broken up with my ex, there were times when I didn't feel the need to talk to/call him....didn't even feel an inkling. He on the other had would call me after week-long periods of not talking to each other. And vice versa with me calling after long-periods. There hasn't been and there isn't going to be any need to deliberately restrain myself from calling him, answering his calls, or calling him back.


If you're genuinely mad or need some distance from her it shouldn't be too hard to avoid her. If you're not mad, then what's the harm? This is just my opinion

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