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How to start the conversation...

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"Hi." That's usually enough for a lot of girls to start a conversation from. Most I know, anyways. If that's not exactly what you were looking for, look for props. If she's wearing a cute outfit... Comment on it. If she's carrying a biology book... Ask her how she likes biology. If it's the last day of school... Ask her what she's up to this summer. It doesn't matter if you make it obvious you're just trying to talk, because it's a given that it'll be probably a bit awkward. Most girls understand how difficult it is for a guy to start a conversation with a girl they don't know too well. Just get the ball rolling and you'll be fine.

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I think I could be of good use here. Well first, when you are approaching a girl, she KNOWS your intentions. Check it out, women are great at reading men, because most men are average when it comes to the dating game. Ever notice why all the women go to the SAME guys?? I have, it took me awhile to figure out that the men's confidence in their behavior, voice tone, and overall body language was what the women looked for, the overall dominance. Ok side-tracked!


Well like I was saying, a woman know when your interested in her probably even before you do. It's that simple, so if they already think that you are interested then why not just go up and talk to them. Now when you approach a girl keep in the back of your mind that she isn't going to work out anyway. Just go up and be causal and just remind yourself that things won't work out the way you want them to. Don't let the fear control who you are.


When you approach her there are several ways you can respond to her. One way is to say "Hey, I'm out meeting new people tonight so I wanted to introduce myself". Or say "Hey, you look awfully familiar, how do i know you?", or say "Hey, whats your name". See most guys feel like they NEED that punch-line when in fact you don't. Then when you have a conversation with this girl you want to remember that she needs to be doing most of the talking and you are the one that must keep it going.


So basically like the previous post, comment on what she's wearing or what she is doing. Bust on her a bit, make her laugh. Don't talk about family, school, and other boring subjects. Let her talk about it and you comment on it. In other words make fun of some of the stuff she says but don't take it to far. Just be fun with it and let her do her talking. IF you think the conversation is getting bad, just say... "Hey, so tell me something interesting" and then she will be "like what".. and then you can say "What you dont have nething interesting to tell me, I don't think this marriage is going to work".


Another note is that if you respond to women then most cases they will respond back nicely. They might not be interested but they usually while respond back in kindness.


And one last note: When having a conversation with a girl, its not exactly what you say.. but how you say it. In other words, girls pay more attention about how you say things rahter then the actually words that are bieng said.. i hope this helps, good luck

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If you are going up to a girl you are interested in then you must believe that you have some common interests with her. So when you say hi and then she looks at you to continue conversation start to talk about something you think you have in common. Maybe a class, a band, a movie, perhaps? Just keep it short the first time. This way you can get used to each other. And approach her another day with something new to say. This way you can build a relationship with each other.

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This is easy, "Whatsup, whats your name?" she'll say something like Kristine, you say "I'm ______." say "nice to meet you, Kristine" and then "Kristine you got a boyfriend?"

It's that simple it won't ever fail you TRUST ME!



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say "nice to meet you, Kristine" and then "Kristine you got a boyfriend?"


Honestly, this freaks me out when a man does this to me. I see it as either "Do you have a boyfriend? Because I want to be him." Which is weird if we're just meeting, so he has no clue. Or I hear it as, "Do you have a Boyfriend? If not, you want to hook up tonight?"


Most females want a guy who would first be okay with being a friend. Otherwise, there's too much pressure by making it seem that all the guy wants is the booty or a quick relationship. That's from the mind of a female, I don't know how all females think though. Just a warning. I'm sure other girls feel the same, or close.

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If you have trouble talking to a girl remember one thing.

Just like you she is a human being, they AREN'T another species.

When i was younger i had this problem:


When i was with girls that i didn't fancy i actually got along great with them and i think we always had good rapport.

Now when i was with a girl i liked i became a whole different person, i was EXTREMELY inconfident, i would find it had to stand near them let alone talk with them.


Why was i fine with the girls i didn't fancy?


Well, i wasn't looking for anything like a relationship, i wasn't looking for anything like a physical relationship, i was just myself and i felt i had nothing to lose. I didn't fancy them and if they didn't fancy me so what.


Why WASN'T i fine with girls i DID like?

There was a hope there that i didn't want crushing. I fancy her, she doesn't fancy me though, there goes that confidence. ZIP!


Don't expect anysort of BIG thing to just happen and fall in your lap.

That only happens in porno's and a joints where women like to offer favours for money.

She MIGHT really like you and might be feeling JUST as awkward as you are.

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This is easy, "Whatsup, whats your name?" she'll say something like Kristine, you say "I'm ______." say "nice to meet you, Kristine" and then "Kristine you got a boyfriend?"

It's that simple it won't ever fail you TRUST ME!



Dude...I would tell that guy I had a BF because he'd freak me out...even though I'm single. :shocked!:

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