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First days turns down ?

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So i met this guy on dating app 3 weeks now and we matched well we like and dislike nearly the same things also i enjoy talking with him as he is so funny and out going 

we fixed to meet this week for the first time but i still havent heard a fixed date from him even i told him that iam excited to see him irl

past 3 days conversation went slow and he texts super late and even he doesnt keep me updated about his day 

the thing is he was clear that he likes me and i do like him too and as we are in the face of knowing each other im so excited to know and talk more with him but he really seems to not catch the same energy lately 

also he didnt montion to meet which makes me wondring if he is still down or not ? or should i ask him first to meet on  weekend ?


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Suggest a day and idea and see what he says, yes he should take the initiative but no point in beating round the bush. As for him telling you about his day, pretty pointless doing that better to focus on the real life meets saving the convo for then. If he's flaky about setting a day and time then you have your answer.

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32 minutes ago, LINDA said:

So i met this guy on dating app 3 weeks. we fixed to meet this week for the first time but i still havent heard a fixed date from him 

Yes, suggest a mutually convenient time, day and place. Try to cut back on the texting. 3 weeks is a long time . Is there a reason you two can't meet sooner? Someone who won't meet in a timely manner is a red flag. If he doesn't agree to meeting, block and delete. 

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42 minutes ago, MrMan1983 said:

Suggest a day and idea and see what he says, yes he should take the initiative but no point in beating round the bush. As for him telling you about his day, pretty pointless doing that better to focus on the real life meets saving the convo for then. If he's flaky about setting a day and time then you have your answer.

thanks i will take your advice and set up a fixed date with him and see how it goes 

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15 minutes ago, Wiseman2 said:

Yes, suggest a mutually convenient time, day and place. Try to cut back on the texting. 3 weeks is a long time . Is there a reason you two can't meet sooner? Someone who won't meet in a timely manner is a red flag. If he doesn't agree to meeting, block and delete. 

he asked me to meet a week before but i was out of town but i told him i wanna see him just right my back .. but nothing was confirmed after that ..

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I’d tone down all the gushy I’m so excited stuff.  It’s a first meet with a stranger to see if there should be a first date in the future. Feel excited and show him you’re glad to meet him and look forward. The end. Otherwise it’s going to come across as needy and overeager even if you don’t mean it. I know when men came on too strong before we even met in person I saw potential red flags. Chill. It’s just a first meet. 

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