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What's the scenario? Is some random female walking up to me and saying that? In that case I wouldn't like it, I want to be noticed for who I am not for my appearance. And I would prefer someone to compliment my eyes, smile or something else then my butt. Is it someone I've known for awhile? Then it would probably be viewed as a rather odd joke.


Now, if I was in relationship with someone and she said it I probably wouldn't mind. Then again, if I was in a relationship with someone then I would hope she finds everything about me nice and I'd still prefer to be complimented on something like my heart or mind and not something so superficial.

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ach, a compliments a compliment.


'n if someone wants to compliment me personally, on anything, I won't be offeneded lol






If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.

A. A. Milne

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I_love_rain_hugs_and_you, you are a silly little creature. Please go back to 1920 where you can't post to forums like this


I can't think of anyone that I know that would take that as harassment. It is definitely a compliment. A lot of people might feel akward at the moment a complimenht is delivered, but even shy people will most likely think about it later in the day and feel good about themselves.


I have a gf and only my a*s is hers alone, but I would definitely at least grin to myself if I heard a girl tell me that.

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Any guy would like that comment.


And if they got offened by it, then they got issues.


I love the Star Wars quote, but take offense to those comments. I don't think someone has issues if they would prefer to be recognized and complimented on something other then there rear end. Biggest compliment you can give me is to compliment my heart. That means so much more then some physical attribute.

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Maybe a complete stranger who wants to get to know your heart might start off by mentioning something she can see. I agree that a compliment on your eyes or hair might be a little less 'sexual', but like has been said, a compliment is a compliment.

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A compliment isn't just a compliment. What one person may consider a compliment or a nice gesture another person may find offensive. Would you walk up to a women you didn't know and say "nice boobs?" Yes, its a compliment and I'm sure you probably do find them nice, but that is just an inapproriate thing to say and is likely to have the opposite of the desired affect.


If a stranger wishes to get to know me there are plenty of othr ways to do it. A simple hello, how are you can start things off. Depending on where we are at, ask me something pertaining to the location. If I'm at the school, ask me what I study. If I'm at a gym, ask if I like to work out. There are all kinds of conversation starters. Show's more of an interest in the real me then mentioning my butt.

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If a woman likes anything about me I take it as a compliment. So if a girl considers my butt to be impressive enough to comment on, then she's welcome to share her opinion with me. I'm not easily offended and could honestly care less about what my butt looks like, but I'd probably ask out a girl who was brave enough to make such a random compliment.


Seriously, could a conversation that starts out with a compliment about your a** possibly be dull?




ach, a compliments a compliment.


'n if someone wants to compliment me personally, on anything, I won't be offeneded lol


These are the kinds of attitudes people need to have, LOL.



Eh.. It depends on the situation. If some random told me I have nice boobs i'd probably be all OMG at first, but you know, later on in the day i'd feel so flattered.. If a guy I knew said it, i'd probably be... erm, well, it depends on the situation, lol.


I'd rather them say "nice boobs" than "hey saggy tits, buy a bra!" anyway

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It isn't really that I would be offended, more like leary and suspicious. A complete stranger saying she likes my butt doesn't give off the best first impression and leaves me questioning the intentions. I'm a guy who likes real, deep conversations and appearance doesn't rank high on my list of converstation topics.


That's my point kitz, you were offended at first. Maybe later you would be flattered, but that first impression is one of "what's this guy up to?" That's not the impression you want to make if you want someone to continue talking to you.

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Why am I silly? I don't think there are that many differences between guys and girls. SO if you want to know how a guy feels, then just imagine how you would feel being a girl. It makes sense.


I think its weird to look at someone else butt. I really do. I don't look at other people's butts, and I hope they don't look at mine.



I_love_rain_hugs_and_you, you are a silly little creature. Please go back to 1920 where you can't post to forums like this


I can't think of anyone that I know that would take that as harassment. It is definitely a compliment. A lot of people might feel akward at the moment a complimenht is delivered, but even shy people will most likely think about it later in the day and feel good about themselves.


I have a gf and only my a*s is hers alone, but I would definitely at least grin to myself if I heard a girl tell me that.

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Any guy would like that comment.


And if they got offened by it, then they got issues.


I love the Star Wars quote, but take offense to those comments. I don't think someone has issues if they would prefer to be recognized and complimented on something other then there rear end. Biggest compliment you can give me is to compliment my heart. That means so much more then some physical attribute.


Alright Prince Charming, we get the point. However, someone walking behind you for 30 seconds doesn't really have the time to get to know you that well. Take the compliment and run with it.

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Most relationships start on the basis of physical attraction. There needs to be something to spark that initial interest.


Also, some people work very hard on their physical appearance - working out, running, etc. I think someone like that would feel great that their hard work was noticed and appreciated by another.

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Alright Prince Charming, we get the point. However, someone walking behind you for 30 seconds doesn't really have the time to get to know you that well. Take the compliment and run with it.


Prince Charming? Why, thanks for the compliment but I don't really think your my type.


Come on, someone walks behind you for 30 seconds and then compliments your butt. Not a hello, not a how are you doing, but a "nice butt." If your going to be so direct the least you can do is come up with something creative. Pick up lines are even better since you can laugh at their absurdity. You want to get to know someone, say hi and start a casual conversation.


Also, some people work very hard on their physical appearance


Yep, but can you tell which person does that and would appreciate the comment just from looking at their behind? The person is just as likely to think your a weirdo who is out to harass her. And even the people who would like a compliment on their appearance would probably prefer something on their overall figure. Just saying you look really pretty is a better compliment.


Most relationships start on the basis of physical attraction. There needs to be something to spark that initial interest.


I think relationships start on the basis of similar interests, ideas, values, etc. Physical attraction can easily come later. But if you want to talk about physical attraction, the butt is far from the most attractive feature a person has. Try a smile. Can you honestly say there is a more beautiful sight then seeing a women smiling and happy?

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Heck, it would give me more self confidence if a girl out of nowhere in a hallway said that to me. But Im shure that woudlnt happen to me as I dont have much to look at back there Besides, It would definatly break the ice for me to ask her out if I wanted to.

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have to say, I honestly feel bad for those of you who would be insulted by that. I mean, does it really matter if your butt was the first thing someone noticed? WHO CARES!?!?!? Are you genuinely worried that this person will think your a** is better than your character once they've gotten to know you?


That's just the point, how do I know if she really wants to know about my character? If she really did, why would she be mentioning something that has nothing to do with my character first? There's more chance that she's either just looking for something physical or cares too much about physical appearance for me. Physical means next to nothing to me, its all about the real person, and you can't tell anything about a person from there butt.

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Dude, lighten up. From the way you talk, I would assume that this would never happen to you, anyway. If it does, then you can start a new topic crying about how you feel used and abused.


Seriously, though. It is not a good idea for a guy to walk up to a girl with this sort of thing (maybe sometimes), as girls hear it all the time and would probably be either offended or possibly feel awkward or theatened. However, if you are a guy and you hear this, just smile and say thanks.


have to say, I honestly feel bad for those of you who would be insulted by that. I mean, does it really matter if your butt was the first thing someone noticed? WHO CARES!?!?!? Are you genuinely worried that this person will think your a** is better than your character once they've gotten to know you?


That's just the point, how do I know if she really wants to know about my character? If she really did, why would she be mentioning something that has nothing to do with my character first? There's more chance that she's either just looking for something physical or cares too much about physical appearance for me. Physical means next to nothing to me, its all about the real person, and you can't tell anything about a person from there butt.

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--I agree completely. There is nothing more beautiful than a girl smiling. And I also agree that relationships are based on similarity, and not on butt appearance.


"I think relationships start on the basis of similar interests, ideas, values, etc. Physical attraction can easily come later. But if you want to talk about physical attraction, the butt is far from the most attractive feature a person has. Try a smile. Can you honestly say there is a more beautiful sight then seeing a women smiling and happy?"

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