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Girlfriend and Best friend problems....

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It has just been brought to my attention that my girl friend is very mean to a lot of people for no reason, she is also very immature (like prank calling and stuff like that). My best friend is a girl and my girlfriend thinks i like her as more then a friend so my girlfriend is giving her a VERY hard time, prank calling and making fun of her. It's starting to get me ebarrased because it's going around the high school that im the kid going out with the bitchy girl so no one wants anything to do with me anymore. But another thing is that my girl friend is nice to me and shows no sign of immaturity or anything like that when im around her. I dont know if i should tell my girlfriend that she is very mean or what. Please help me with this. It getting me and my best friend very upset.

Thank you very much for your help i really appreciate it,


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OMG, I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. I'm a girl, and my best friend is a boy. Well he started going out with this *beeb*y girl. He thought that she was really nice and all, but I kept trying to tell him that she wasn't to anyone else. I just couldn't seem to get it accross to him. Then after a while she started making fun of me, and chewing him out for going to eat with me. All of our friends were getting annoyed and ticked that she just wouldn't get off my back. Finally after 3 months of this *beeb* I just called my best friend today, and he promised me that he was going to break up with her tonight. You have no idea how relieved I am because of this. Because of my situation, I think that you really need to take into consideration what your best friend is feeling right now. You gf probably isn't going to change if you try to tell her to knock it off, it will just make her more angry and jealous. So break it off, and get it over with til you find a girl that can accept ALL your friends no matter what the gender.

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I dont know if that will be the right thing to do though because my girlfriend is VERY unique. For example, my X's name was maggie and before i went out with maggie my girlfriend (not my girlfriend at the time) was REALLY good friends with her, but then when i asked maggie out my girl friend now started hating her and making fun of her and shit and got almost the whole sophmore class to hate her. So i dont know if its jealousy or not. But the reason i dont want to break up with her is because i still really like her and i think i might love her because we've been going out for about a year and if i break up with her not only will she act bitchy towards me, but also towards my best friend. She'll probably blame it on her as the reason we broke up. Could you give me your thoughts about it now, thank you so much.

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Wow...seriously immature. I think you seriously should talk to her...if you really don't want to break up with her...talk to her.


I have a friend who's girlfriend acts like that. She is totally mean to everyone around her...and nice to her boyfriend. I'm surprised they are still together...but he's sees something in her i guess.


Talk to her...ask if she realizes how she is acting...be direct yet understanding. And asks her if she likes how she is treating everyone...ask her if she can try and be nice to those around her.


Good luck!

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