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Emergency advice needed!

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Okay, So I have a date today in a few hours, thing is I have no idea what to do. I live in a small town, so most of the times when I hang out with people we kinda just watch movies or sit around and talk or go out to eat. Shes from Kansas City and I'm from Pennsylvania, so shes used to being able to go out and do things and I just don't want to bore her. I don't really want to go out to eat because of the whole paying for the bill situation, and plus shes vegetarian and I would feel weird eating meat in front of her. I think I'm seriously just overexaggerating everything, but does anyone have any sort of last minute suggestions? I was just going to drive her around my town and show her things and then figure it out while we are doing that...

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I was a veggie for years, and trust me, it doesn't bother us (or at least not most of us) when others eat meat. Hopefully, she's not the type that would impose her morality on you. In which case, you don't want her anyways.


How about a movie, and then get some ice cream?


Or, like you said - you can take her on a drive, stop somewhere to get some coffee, maybe go to a local museum, go to an interesting bookstore.


Or, ask her what she's in the mood for. good luck!

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Hey there!


I live kinda close to Reading and I once went down there to see some friends and they took me to play laser tag. That was so much fun! Is she the kinda girl who would enjoy an active game as a first date?


If the date is during the day why don't you take her to a park? Walk around and get to know each other. Maybe bring bread for birds or ducks or something? And then after you can ask her if she'd like to watch a movie? If she's up in your area then she will realize that its not a big town and there isn't much to do. Sometimes a relaxing date is special.


Lemme know how it works out, okay?



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I used to live in the King of Prussia area...I guess that's about a 45 minute drive from Reading so Valley Forge Park is too far? It's a nice day today and that would've been nice to sit in one of the benches and/or maybe have a mini-picnic.


I'm all for doing something where you can get to know each other better - ice cream or Rita's Water Ice, coffee, miniature golf - that can break the ice getting into friendly competition. If you do a movie - have you seen Return of the Sith yet? - make sure you include an activity where you can chat at some point.


Good luck and have fun!!!

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