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Okay, just realize first before I go into my problem that I have a few things going on in my head so try to stay with me.


I get nervous when I talk over the phone. I don't know why. I try to think of stuff to say, but I can't.


There's this girl who I kind of like, who is a year older than me (she graduated from high school this year) who gave me her number. I've known this girl for quite awhile. I met her when I was in the seventh grade (she was in the eighth grade of course) but anyway.


Up until a few weeks ago, i was afraid to call her because I didn't know what to say. Finally, I mustered enough strength to call her, and I did.


She answered, we talked for a second and she told me to call her back in a few because she had just got out of the shower.


I waited about 30 minutes because I didn't want to give her the idea that I wanted to go out with her, so I called back, and we talked for like 15 minutes and then she had to go and she said she'd call me back.


So 10-15 minutes later she calls me back on her cell phone and she asks me if she could loan some money from me. I said yeah how much do you need? She said 20. Apparently, she needed to pay for cellphone bill.


So a few minutes later, she came by, I gave her the money, we talked for a long time, and then she drove off.


I tried calling her Monday and she never answered and she hasn't called me since and now I'm starting to worry that I was used.


In all honestity, it was just twenty dollars, and before I go on vacation on Sunday I would like to call her again (but not to mention the $20 or anything) but this time, I don't know what to talk about and not to mention I've tried calling her over and over again but I just become overpowered with fear before I even dial a number.


I know people change overtime, but heck, why did she give me her number in the first place if she was just planning touse me? Not to mention she calmed me down when I told her I was a little nervous when I called her.


So my questions are:


1. Do you think I was used?

2. What should I do before calling her so I won't get so nervous?

3. When should I call her back? (Even if I was used)

4. Used or not used, if I call her again what should I say (I'm not going to mention the $20 at all) so I won't be ?


If anyone can help, please do so.


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ok lets see:

your questions were:


1. Do you think I was used? answer: yes. I truly and sorry to say laughed at her nerve to even ask you....


2. What should I do before calling her so I won't get so nervous?

answer: First dont ever call her back. But if you do anyway...write down in advance what you want to say, just for practice. If you are better in person make the call about "hey i want to take you to lunch, whens a good time". (short and sweet) then charm in person.

Practice deep breathing to help calm yourself down before the call. Tell yourself its ok to be nervous.



3. When should I call her back? (Even if I was used)

agian I would not call her, I mean whats the draw here?

But if you must, just do it. No need to wait, if your actually interested you need to make sure she understands that. waiting weeks and weeks can tell a girl your not interested.


4. Used or not used, if I call her again what should I say (I'm not going to mention the $20 at all) so I won't be ?

see answer one... If you are not the on phone chatty kinda guy then work your charm in person. Be direct and to the point.


best of luck to ya

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1) Yes

2) Just be yourself, and have an attitude that you dont care what happens.

3) I wouldnt call her back, she has your number, she owes you the buck,

balls in her court.

4) if she calls, let her talk, dont mention the 20 unless she brings it up.



tell ya the truth, dont think this girl is worth the effort

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I just think I called at the wrong moment. I mean, that was the first time she's ever even asked me for money. She never asked for moneu at school or anything like that, not to mention she was always nice to me at school also. She even asked me to sit w/ her at lunch all the time. I don't think that when she gave me her # she was thinking "I'm going to use him for money HAHAHAAHA" or anything like that.

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