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Sex is like...

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A friend of mine compared sex to a good conversation - stating its better with someone you know well.


I disagreed. I believe strangers can have amazing conversations, and only mediocre sex.


I prefer this analogy.


I have come to the conclusion that sex is like Pinot Noir; with time, it develops complexity. The taste rushes its full-bodied thrill and sets the senses on fire. So many characteristics are fluid at once that the palate is awakened by desire for more.


What do you think?

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I believe the difference is simple when you have sex with a partner and you have sex with a stranger. Emotions are there when you are having sex with a partner while with a stranger there seems to be carnal lust. Given the nature of humans I would say that there are times when we want both even if we strictly have one, we still could want the other.

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Any sex is better than no sex, in general...although bad sex is worse than none. On the whole, it`s hard to have bad sex...more than once, because then at least you know what not to do, or who not to do it with! Sex with a new person is always exciting. Having said that, there is nothing better than sex with someone you really love and trust....and want, who loves you, trusts you, and wants you right back!!

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what the hell actually constitutes an amazing conversation, and how can you link that to sex? i mean, really, what is the sexual pleasure/orgasmic equivalent in conversation?


i've had intimate conversations, which are too uncomfortable to be considered amazing, and funny conversations which are much more enjoyable but still not amazing.

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I do not think you can link sex to a conversation, but what you are getting at is the very question I am asking.... What can you compare sex to? Is there something out there, some way that we as human beings relate that is a good descriptor?


I think sex is impossible to describe accurately, especially in this context -to compare it to anything.


I have never had sex with a stranger. I have had incredible conversations with strangers, but nothing that would equate to the climax of fluid and emotions generated by sex. I think some people, like myself, would feel stiffled and fearful of the idea of being so intimate with a stranger. However, I would tell a stranger my life story and likewise listen.

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well, i've never had a conversation that made me think "wow! that was an amazing conversation". i've had funny conversations, informative conversations, flirty conversations, but what is an amazing conversation?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think the analogy might actually work (and borrowing structure from asdf). I've had funny sex (I ended up falling into a closet once, at the finish line, having an orgasm while shoeboxes and paper rained down on me.), informative sex (Oh, THAT'S how it feels to do that!), and flirty sex (No, just the tip. Okay, a little more. No, not all the way. Here, you stay still and let me...)

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Sex and Conversation.

Sex => naked (not always neccesary though)

Conversation => Clothed, absolutely neccesary, unless you want to be accused of indecent exposure


Now, conversations in the nude.

Whole new ball park baby.



Note to self:

A naked lady is never indecent exposure.

Its totally decent.

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