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ok.. yest me & my bf were fooling around (not having sex) and after he came some of it ended up getting on his hands and pants. he went to the bathroom to wash his pants, but i never stopped to think whether or not he had washed his hands. after he came back from the bathroom he started fingering me, and i thought nothing of it until a few minutes ago. if he didnt wash his hands... what are the chances i could get pregnant from him fingering me? my period just ended 2 days ago so i know it's not impossible.

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I'd say it is very unlikely, maybe not quite impossible. How long ago did this occur? Maybe you could still take a "morning after". If not you can take a home pregnancy test but you will need to wait at least a week i believe, or that may be a week after your next period is due?


I am sure another poster will know exactly when you can take the test.

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Not too likely, but always possible. No matter when your period is, there is always a chance because while "on average" women ovulate 14 days before next period (so sperm there from a couple days before can still fertilize egg) it is not ALWAYS the case. It can be anytime during the month (sometimes you can even ovulate a couple times).


I would say he likely washed his hands if he washed his pants, so don't worry too much about it


Just be more careful in the future.

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To avoid yourself even creating this thread and being worried for a few days, why didnt u just ask him? Eventhough you realized a few minutes after, you still could have asked him. If you found he lied, now that's a whole news story.... But you should be able to trust him, seeing as he fingered you(maybe more)....

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