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Just a little progress...

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Hey everyone


I just wanted to say things are going good. Been staying busy...

with work mostly, but I am managing to have some fun "off" time.

I got a new bike...a Cannondale..and it is FAST!! I love riding when I get a chance..and god knows I need to. These thighs are looking like they got

some hail damage..lol I tried going to the gym a few times...but I couldn't find a close parking spot...who needs that crap? lol

How is everyone spending their time??...OFF this site, I mean

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I had a great bike....a week after my ex sent me the e-mail dumping me I decided to get it out of the shed and go for a ride as it was one of the things I never found time to do last summer...got to the shed (it's been in there over 2 years)...and some scumbag had climbed over the fence, broken in and stolen it.


I won't repeat what I said but I was gutted and furious.


Not much point getting another one at the moment as they'll simply nick it again.


In answer to your question WebChick...I'm keeping myself busy by having ordered a brand new car on Friday...delivery in 3-4 weeks and I've commissioned some building work on my house.... again due to start 3-4 weeks. These are all things I put on hold whilst I wasted time waiting for my ex to decide what he wanted out of life.


The gym is my next challenge - going for a workout tonight with my 14 year old nephew and I'm planning to go back regularly but start at small beginnings. Before all this kicked off I was going 3-4 times a week... in the past 8 weeks I've been no more than twice .


At the same time as all this I'm trying to get back into work mode (to pay for all the stuff I'm doing!!!!).


It's tough and I've still a long way to go but I am feeling better.

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Wimpy....sounds like you are on your way! Progress is progress...

small or big steps. It doesn't matter. What matters is the forward motion..and that you are not taking a step back. Every day that we are doing something for US is is a day closer to being stronger, healthier and making better choices for ourselves.

I think it's good to post on what were are doing because writing it down

allows us to actually SEE where we are going, and where we have been..

and after a certain amount of time has passed, you realize how all those LITTLE things turn into a lot. It makes us focus on our goals more ...at least for me it does. I prefer NOT to make HIM the focus of my posts here..because HE is not the focus anymore.I am.

I hope everyone else has the same attitude..if not now...at some point

All the best to you!!

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hi webchick ... that's really great. I am glad you got a new bike. I suggest you really make time and ride the bike. It helps a lot. I got into mountainbiking before my ex left me 2 months ago ... but after breaking up with me, i found my therapy to go through the day by riding my bike. It really helps to get things off your mind. Although i am still in the process of picking up the pieces and getting my self together.


keep it up and hope things will be better for you soon.

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I have had a good weekend too. I just recently met some new friends at the gym so we have been going out. It has been awhile since I have had single male friends (all married and kids). I guess what i need to work on is my confidence with women and approaching them. I did talk to a few this past weekend and miraculously they didn't bite! I mean they were nice and friendly. It made me feel great!!! I still miss my ex and it has been 8 days of NC but slowly (I mean slowly) I am starting to feel better. As for Webchick and your new bike that is awesome. It soundsl like you are kicking it into high gear (pun intended ). Keep us posted

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