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Is friend a soulmate. did i meet her due to fate? All reply.

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I really would like some peoples' insight on this so please reply. Im not too sure where this was supposed to go so I put it in the most logical spot. Me and this girl (Bridget) have been best friends for 5 years. But the way we met strikes me curious. (I have a crush on her)

I took up Karate class 7 years ago and quit. 2 years later I was in Middle School and after the school day was over I got a gut feeling to take Karate up again but take the class being taught at my school. I even got a gut feeling that someone I should meet is there. I take the class and on the first day me and Bridget became friends practically before we said a word to each other. I felt like we've met before but it was the first time we even saw each other, let alone met. We like and hate the same things.


Whats your take on this? Was it fate, did we meet eachother in a previous life? Is it possible that she is my soulmate (because I love her and I have a crush on her)


Bridget is extremely beautiful on both inside and out. She is perfect in every way in my eyes.


Please reply. All replies are appreciated.

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Oh of course it's fate. I really don't believe there are any chance encounters with anyone.

It's always good to follow your gut feelings isn't it?

I read that soulmates aren't just limited to romance relations. Though she could be one. Seems like you guys have a lot in common. Well congratulations for finding the girl of your dreams.

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Yup i agree that soulmates do exist.. probably not in the sense that other people believe that they are the one and only person for you.. no


well i do believe that a 'soulmate' is a person that you have found that you have a lot in common and would be great together with.


But I also believe there are many of them.. there isn't just one person for everyone, there are many people for you.


Always nice if you get the chance to find them though





How a person masters his fate is more important than what his fate is.

Wilhelm von Humboldt

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There are many different types of soulmates. A best friend can be a soulmate. These are the people that come into our lives for a reason. A soulmate can even be a stranger in the sense that the person came into our lives for a brief second, but it had meaning to our lives even if we never know why or how. Have you ever had a bad day and you're walking somewhere and someone you don't know smiles at you or just says Hi, and for some reason it just makes you feel a little better? I believe these people are soulmates too. Everyone comes into our lives but I believe that some are meant to come into our lives for only seconds, some for a few months, few years, and some for our entire lives. It sounds to me like your friend (soulmate) might just be in your life for a very long time.

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nope sorry I can't agree with that greenow|88,


what you descibed [to me] is just a good friend:




A best friend can be a soulmate


I believe that the definition of 'soulmate' can mean many things to many people and i'm sure no two people will ever have the completely same views on it.


however the:


someone you don't know smiles at you or just says Hi, and for some reason it just makes you feel a little better?


I think that is kind of irritionality of the term soulmate


that would be a stranger.. happy lol


sorry can't agree on tht







Friendship often ends in love; but love in friendship - never.

-Charles Caleb Colton

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LoL and I was merely giving my opinion on your opinion..


contrasting thoughts that's all.. you can't leave it.. so take it lol






True friends stab you in the front.

Oscar Wilde

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i believe that all things happen for a reason, so yes i believe it was fate that the two of you met.


as far as soulmates go, i believe they do exist. i believe a soulmate can be anyone...a best friend, a lover, anyone. i also believe that people can have more than one soulmate- because of that i dont believe that you are meant to spend the rest of your life with someone just because you believe they are your soulmate, but i do believe that there is one person out there who you are meant to spend the rest of your life with and they will be a soulmate.


i believe that there are many people that come into our lives that we are meant to know at that time...but this does not necessarily make that person your soulmate. it just makes them someone you were meant to know right then and there. the people we meet are what shapes our lives and ourselves!


so yes, i do believe you two were meant to meet and i do believe that there is a reason that this girl is in your life...and that reason is whats for you to find out!


those are just my opinions.

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In way, I really do believe in soulmates everyone has someone out their just have to be at the right place at the right time. Other part of me says gosh no soul mates ha i don't know if i even have soul mate out there. how long does it take to meet them and everything i just have to sides to this....but i do hope that everyone has soul mate including me.....

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