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Should i send her the money..

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(shes 19, im 21)


Well, as you all have read my other posts, me and the ex of 2.5 years split up. She wanted to go experience some things i think, and hang out with her guy friends, etc. It's a long story. I sent her a text 12 days ago that we shouldn't talk anymore as were on different pages once again. And she should lose my number. ( i know, i said these things out of anger, but i need her out of my life if i am EVER gonna heal from this ).


Here's the thing, we were supposed to go in the end of july to florida, to visit some friends. She charged the money to her credit card, and i promised that i would pay her back for it when i got the money. It was something like $200 dollars. Now, she works quite a bit for her money, and goes to school. I feel really bad not giving her the money, even though we aren't on speaking terms at the moment. ( i have this feeling she will realize that going out, and partying gets old, etc. anyways)


I would just drive to her house, and stick it in her mailbox with a note, about how i know i didn't keep all my promises when we were dating, but i wanted to keep this one or something. Not to mention, weird thing, i was eating chinese, and i opened a fortune cookie and it said "Remember your promises".


So, should i give her the money, or can she get the name changed on the ticket, maybe to this new guy at work she is possibly becoming close with...

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let her ask you first. if she happens to have other plans for the ticket--no harm no foul, you keep your money, she has her fun--you keep with the NC.



if she happens to ask you--just give it to her, no debates, no questions asked--even if she plans on spending the ticket with the guy... i mean, you don't want to have kharmic debt--and i think this is a way to ensure it. if she makes you pay for a ticket she's already got covered--it's HER tail that will answer to the kharmic debt-collectors!!!

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Yea, i have spent so much emotion on her its draining. I dont want to break the NC as its been so hard to even get to Day 13. I feel kinda bad about it, as she is going to have to work twice as hard to pay for my ticket. But, she could possibly get it changed? Even though she said that it cant be changed, etc.


She still will go.. even if its alone. Before she said "Once you pay for the ticket, its yours, you can go if you like".. so i dont know..

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