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Do I ask for too much?

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My partner(M, 24) is the jealous-codependent type who can get annoyed/upset by small things, but he gets over it pretty soon. I(F,27) always am next to him in such moments, trying to comfort him and giving explanations.

On the other side I’m also jealous-codependent type and i can get upset about small things he calls absurd. In such situations he gets quite angry and annoyed on the fact that I am upset, we usually start a fight or he gets upset too and sometimes scream at me on the phone, arguing that my reason is absurd and that why do I expect him to comfort me. 

He sais that he gets over things quickly and that I don’t do the same, so why do I require him to be there and comfort me as soon as he has no fault for my absurd reason.

I don’t understand who is right and who is not anymore. I don’t know if i ask for too much.. 

I indeed would like him to comfort me more and to not get upset if I get upset. 

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8 minutes ago, Eveningsky said:

My partner(M, 24) I(F,27) always am next to him in such moments, trying to comfort him and giving explanations.

he gets upset too and sometimes scream at me on the phone, arguing that my reason is absurd and that why do I expect him to comfort me. 

Sorry this is happening. How long have you been dating. Stop putting up with abuse and coddling (comforting) him.

Dating is not about social work or upsetting each other so much that you need comforting all the time.

It's best to stay away from stereotyping and psychoanalysis such as 'codependent', etc.

End it and cut your losses. You're incompatible, it's that simple. He  is too selfish and immature for you.

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You sound incompatible.  He gets ticked off with you being so sensitive and you don't feel he's supportive, etc.  But he doesn't need to be yelling at you like he does.

Jealousy is okay.. to a point.  Not to where it's damaging or affecting the relationship in a negative way.

So, is maybe best to admit this isn't okay and he isn't for you. And maybe someday you will find someone more suitable, not make you feel bad for having emotions & not overly jealous.


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There is not right or wrong here, so let's dismiss that part of the discussion.

It sounds like the two of you are fundamentally  wrong for each other. Stop trying to figure out who deserves the most sympathy or what have you, and address why do you stay together?

Also if he is a cold fish all the time when you get up set, is that someone you can build a future with?

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