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Going to the movies with her what should i do?

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ok.......what u wana do is obviously get the seat right next to her......now about half way into the movie.....put your hand on her knee...then slowly bring it up to her thigh.....then start massaging her thigh a lil bit and then slowly move it to her croch and start massaging that........and so on......its a fool-proof plan

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LOL I hope you are joking ItalianStalian!


Don't touch her leg etc, you'll end up spoiling any chance you have, and you'll look like a perve, and a weirdo. Word will probably spread, and everyone will laugh at you. However, theres about a 1 in a billion chance it will work.


The most you can safely do is get close to her, and lean in to whisper things into her ear during the movie. If she leans into you etc, you may want to take a risk and put your arm around her.


Good luck.

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thats not a smart thing to do a move in front of all those people... You gotta be alone when you do the move.


Anyway your 14, and you should know the common accepted hooking up pratices that everyone at your age does.


I remember what it was when I was that age.. bascially a walk to a private place and a french kiss after both agreeing to it.

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