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how do u tell a girl that likes u u r annoyed by her

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Hey, definitely don't try to tell her that she's annoying. No matter how much that is true. But a way to get her to lay off, is you tell her that you like her friend. make sure she promises not to tell if you don't want anyone to know. But if she knows that, it might P her off a little, but she can't tell you that. So just try it and see if she leaves you alone alittle more.

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this guy that has really been bugging me has gotten on my last nerves and i was like, okay stop being so annoying, But i mean i didn it is a jokeing way,i was seriouse but he thought about it and got a little better, cuz when you joke with something they might work at makeing it better, i dunno, that might work!

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