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Like I said before on Sunday that everything seemed to be turning around. I just had a feeling that I was getting over everything and doing good or at least decent. Well then Monday came. I woke up in the morning and called into work. Nothing was going on so I was a little ticked at that. Over the course of the day I started getting more and more pissed about what had happened. I didn't talk to her at all Monday. That was probably a good thing cause I know I would have said something that I may or may not have regretted. I have really no idea why I just got all pissed off again. It's been a while since I felt totally in love with someone like I was/am with her. I've been in love but not like this. I'm kinda wondering if it's normal to have somewhat good days like I had on the weekend then all of a sudden for no reall reason get all pissed off again. On Sunday when I talked to her everything was cool. Then Monday, bam I'm doing bad. Same with today. I just feel like dirt.

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It could have nothing to do with her at all. It's probably just something else you need to deal with.


They say "You can't truly love someone until you love yourself"


I believe (from experience) what they mean is if you're angry you'll project it along with your love making things worse, if you're happy you project that making things better. So hence if you love yourself and are happy with your life, the person you love will feel great with you always.

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You sound like my BF. I didnt read your first post but it is exactly like my situation. Even the days you described. Sunday things were good....Monday we didnt speak and he is acting distant again. He seems to like me one minute and the next he could care less. But I have no idea what he is thinking. Tell me more....I am intrigued!

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I guess that because I was angry about not working on Monday that it kinda set the motion for everything. I guess it's like a "I'm pissed about not work might as well be pissed about everything else" type of thing.






If anyone wants to know what's been going on just click on my name and then view my posts. Almost all are about what's been going with me and her for the past week and how i've been feeling.

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My boyfriend just recently got rejected for this job he wants. He says its not something he has to do in life just something he really would enjoy. When I tried to ask him about it he snapped and said nothings wrong everything is fine. He seems like you....when something isnt going his way everything might as well be doomed. My advice is if you like someone then you would truly feel that you could talk to them about what is bothering you. Even if you think it might be minor. I just want to be in that place where when I am having a bad day I have a shoulder to cry on and some comfort. Which I feel when I am with him.

One more quick question....has anyone's bf ever been so drunk that they peed in the bed. Don't laugh! It happened to me but I pretended to be asleep so as not to embarrass him. And I still like him....I never thought I was that unshallow! After tonight he might be my ex but I really hope not.

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I'm not usually like that. It usually takes alot to really get me pissed. It's more like I was a little pissed about not working. We've been REALLY slow the past like 2 months. The bills are just barely getting paid cause of the lack of work. While I was sitting around I guess I ended up thinking about stuff. Not always a good thing. I just got more and more pissed about the situation I'm in, being basically dumped.


I feel a little better now. But when I got home from work I was just pissed. I just kept thinking about getting wasted. Not a good thing I know. It would have just made everything worse.

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