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My life is meaningless without him......

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Believe me, your life will have a lot MORE meaning without this abusive clown.  You had a life before him and you don't need abuse in your life to make it better.  Just think about that. Really think about what you're doing.  Is this what you envision for the rest of your life? Be prepared for it to get a lot worse - it always does.  His abuse will only escalate and he'll control every aspect of your life ... and he'll continue doing what he is doing all because you allow him to treat you badly.

You have two choice:  1)  Stay with him and put up with his abuse until you are a mere shell of yourself living an extremely unhappy miserable life, OR 2) Show him you have enough self-respect by walking away and tell him he can shove his abuse where a monkey puts its apples. Walk out with your head held high and your self-respect and dignity in tact.

Stay with him?  If that's your choice, then you can't complain about it.

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8 hours ago, HeartGoesOn said:

Take this bully off his high horse by telling him to leave now, while watching him squirm because he's no longer the head honcho.  Although it appears that you're not ready to let go yet, it may be helpful to raise your self-respect either on your own or with the help of a professional.    

With that said, he enjoys brain washing you to make it look like you're the enemy...you're not. Hopefully you'll give this more thought. and make the right choices.

^ This entire post is worth repeating.

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16 minutes ago, Capricorn3 said:

Show him you have enough self-respect by walking away

I wouldn't do it to show him anything.  I would do it for myself, to prove to ME that I am worth more than bowing down to an abusive bully.  I wouldn't care one bit what he thought of me walking away.

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5 hours ago, boltnrun said:

I wouldn't do it to show him anything.  I would do it for myself, to prove to ME that I am worth more than bowing down to an abusive bully. 

Obviously she would/should be doing it for herself. By walking away it just sends a message to him that she has more self-respect, that's all.  She wouldn't be doing it for him. Clearly it's for herself.

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