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falling for best friend...but she's already taken

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I know this story has probably been told a few times here, so I'll make it short. I'm just looking for some help/input.


So my best friend, we'll call A, has been dating my other really good friend, we'll call B, for almost a year and a half.

But for about five or six months I've been finding myself really attracted to my friend A. She also recently told me that she tends to look at me as more than just a friend, but she knows that it's wrong because of her girlfriend, B, but she can't help it. She knows that I like her, but I don't think she realizes to what extent.

Lately it seems that B has been getting rather jealous of me and A hanging out. So B hasn't really talked to me over the past two weeks.


What I want to know is....

why would A tell me her feelings for me if she knows that it couldn't happen because of her relationship with B...cause it's messing with my mind and I can't stop thinking about her.


should I advance on this?...I really don't believe in coming between to people...but my god this is driving me crazy...should I say something?...

I don't know what to do.


I'd really apreciate it if anyone has any input or if someone was in the same situation, please share.

Thanks for listening



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I had a very similiar situation so i'll give you the advice i was given:


DN Said:



If [they] see you as a friend to confide in and not as a potential [partner] [they] may well feel betrayed and cut you out of [their] life. Big risk.


Better to be a friend and wait to see if [they] break up with [their partner].


You should also be seeing other people yourself - perhaps if [they] know you are looking may re-evaluate [their] relationship with you.


the bracketz are for ..regendering lol


on the other hand


ComputerGuy Said:


Be there for [the person you're interested in] Dont rush things or do anything to make it look like you forced them apart (even though you're not) as this wont make for a good starting point for anything at all.


I'm sure other people will have many different opinionz on this post

[as they alwayz do when it comes to things like this]

But I believe the only solution to thingz like this is confrontation [and before i get a post from DN completely disagreeing] i will stress that this is a risky move as it may end a friendship..


the decision is yours,






All love that has not friendship for its base, is like a mansion built upon sand.

Ella Wheeler Wilcox

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Personally, i think you should wait it out. Don't advance on it...wait and see what happens between A and B, cause i don't i would want to play a part in them breaking up. Also if they break, i would not jump right on it. Friend A may still need time to get over B and besides B will be mad at you and think that is why A and B broke up.


Needless to say but i have been through the same thing recently. I fell for one of my bestfriends roommate, only problem was he had a girlfriend of two years. He teased me a whole lot, while he was still dating her and he even told me that he didn't love her anymore and he wanted to be with someone that treated him good. Someone like me. He even broke up with her a few times, but always ended up going back, cause she threatened to kill herself. He was a wimp. But anywho, she found out about us cause she had read some of our messages we sent to one another....she was not happy at all especially since we were all friends. So, now we don't talk to one another at all. So, if you still would like to be friends with both of them i would sit back and see what happens...don't interfere.


Hope that helps.

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thank you all for your opinions.

I really want to be up front and honest with her, but it all comes down to the jepordizing the friendship. Or in this case, two =/

I'll let you all know what happens.

If there are anymore people who would like to respond, please do.

It's greatly apreciated



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