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Hoiw to deal with this.

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No longer together. i have no desire to be with her. But i have found out why i miss her so is cause of the sex and seeing her was like a drug. i could never get enough of her. im doing to Nc thing working good so far. but i want her to be gone from my mind all together. i know time will fix all.


but how do i get the sex thing out of my mind?

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probably many other posters will not agree with this, but


if you want to get the sex part out of your mind, start having sex with someone else, it doesn't matter if you will enjoy it as much it will help you forget the sex with the original partner.

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manr, I think that what you are going through is normal---It is hard to get over the sexual aspect of a relationship with someone you love(d)--especially if it was really really good. Most people will go straight to a rebound, just to prove that sex can be good with another person as well. This can be difficult though, because you might still be preoccupied with thoughts of the ex and might compare. I dont really recommend it as a solution, but it has worked for many.

A better cure: Exercise and playing sports can really distract you when you are overwhelmed with these kinds of feelings. I know, it doesnt sound as fun---but it works.

If it's any comfort, time will ultimately cure these feelings you have.

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i agree with sex with another usualllllly helps getting over the ex.


BUT if you are hung up on them...then no amount of sex with multiple people will help.


the way i got over one of my ex's was to start dating others.


but then there was one ex...that no matter how many others i dated...i could never get over.


i guess it just depends on how hung up you are on this person and your personality type.


- ivy

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Im not sure how much im still hanging onto thie ex. sex was good. But i was doing good all last week so im thinking maybe i hit a low spot. But i know these feelings will arise someday. better now then down the road when im with someone.


i have been going to the gym. and hanging out with friends alot more. it does seem to work. but i guess i have to take my time and do it slow.

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I feel exactly the same way as you do. The only thing I miss about the ex is the sex now. Hooking up with other girls does help. If the sex isn't as good with other chicks, relax and be patient. You will find someone else eventually who will give you what you're looking for. It's a numbers game, it has to happen someday.

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