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Will my problem ever end ? ( Breaking news !!!!!!! )

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heeeeeeeeey, i told her i told her i like u ....


Well she looks interested but i didnt ask her directly is she interested or not ... i just told her i like u and then i changed the subject... i dont wanna make her get scared u know.. i would take it easy..


The reason itold her, is that she really gave me courage to say it.. she said u r actingweird and stuff like that as if she dont know... she wanted to hear it from me.. After i told her, she seemed fine u know.. Like if someone told me i like u and i dont.. i really wont act normally with her.. i would try to say no in a good way..She didnt do that she acted noramlly as if she is happy or somethihng liek that.. well that what i felt... it was on msn... Everysentence she wrote had this smily face lol so what do u think? ohh i told her i cant believe it.. well the ball in her court right now right ?

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Everysentence she wrote had this smily face lol so what do u think? ohh i told her i cant believe it.. well the ball in her court right now right ?


Way to go Always!!! *high 5*


I think it's a good sign she didn't react negatively, but no the ball is not in her court. The ball was in her court when she typed all those smiley faces.


Now it's your turn again. Why don't you ask her to a movie or to go out for icecream or coffee? No need to mention scary words like date, relationship, girlfriend, or marriage! You're just inviting her to have a night of fun with you.

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yeah i guess so, hehehe sometimes i hate iam a man.. anyways we have exams now all the coming 2 weeks , i will wait.. also when we finish the exams i will travel 8) so what should i do ? one problem too...


If someone can make me feel better about that worrying thing that would be great.. iam in a terrible mood but better than before thankssss

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new thingssssssss : we talked throught sms... like about 20 messages or something... anyways.. Here is what she said ! When i tried to know her opinion she said : ok look i didnt comment when u said u like me, because u were so mysterious in the way u were talking and i didnt really know what u mean.... do u like me as a friend,gf ..... ? iam being too obvious right now so can u be too ?


So i told her i think i made it so clear, so if u wanna do something u have to take the risk and if not u can sleep as iam going to do now.. she said ok i got ur point, can we talk on after tomm exam about this bec i dont wanna fail in this exam... dont feel fraustrated ok dont let things get weird between us ok ? ..... i said ok sure ....... so what do u think all this means ?

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Whooooo..... you finally said something! Now, don't you feel at least a little better?


All signs like good. She wants to talk, she put all those smiley face... dude, this good. But you can't just sit back and think that your job is done and its in her hands. A guy's job is never done, its only just beginning. She should know that you like her as in dating way. But you need to make sure there is no doubt. Like smallworld said (being smart and right as usual), you need to ask her to hang out. It doesn't have to be a "date," but it should be sometime alone where you can get closer. Tell her that you can see her being a gf, but that your nervous and don't want to rush things. Let her know how you feel, but don't come off like you are pushing things. Of course, if she says she likes you like that to, then forget what I just said and go for it.


You need to talk to her and get everything in the open. If she likes you, everythings worked out. If she only wants to be friends, tell her you understand and that her friendship means a lot to you and you don't want things to get weird either. But I'm willing to bet that you don't have to worry about that and that things are going to go just right.

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See, thats what she means by things getting weird. If you are too nervous to talk to each other then thats not going to help a relationship to grow. I know its hard to open to someone when your in this position, that its all so new and scary. But you do have to face your nerves and talk to her. I want to see this work out, so don't disappoint me.

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