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I just started to realize that I'm pretty much over my ex. Now the crazy thing is I fell in love with this girl and we never even had sex. In a matter of 2 weeks of us becoming intimate did I really fall in love with her.

Its amazing how the brain can throw you into love with somebody, and than when you can't have this person anymore it seems to make you even more in love. It makes the person into this big powerful person, when in reality the person is just another person.


I thought for a while I was over her.. but really wasn't, now I realize that my mind truly has separated from her. Let me tell you its a great feeling! My thoughts are no longer connected with her, its like I'm free again! I'm also much more psychologicaly sound like I was before her, I don't really have these huge emotional downs. I have my life back, and my independent mind again! I'm myself again, tied emotionaly to myself and not someone else who I can't have. I'm now open to new love, and don't have any stupid thoughts that I couldn't find a girl again like my ex.

I am also not looking for a girl like my ex anymore, just don't really care. I was the one who posted the article "Looking for a similar partner as your last love"

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I'm not sure what finally did it, I'm not sure if it was time or meeting other people etc. But it just happened, my mind decided to let go. I don't have another partner right now, but I do have some prospects. I'd say it was just time.


I look back at how stupid I was.. but I know that there was nothing I could of done about it, I had no control over this aspect.


Now I sit here and wonder, will this happen again? Do I want this to happen again? I know that its inevitable and will happen again, I just hope next time it happens I am not the person getting rejected, but its me doing the rejection.






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remember how your feeling now when (if) you have another tough breakup.


i remember how i acted after my breakup...and now i know how ill act if i ever have to go through a breakup with someone i love again. it will be completely different. learn from your past and apply it to the future.

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  • 5 months later...

Quoted from my post 5 moths ago


Now I sit here and wonder, will this happen again? Do I want this to happen again? I know that its inevitable and will happen again, I just hope next time it happens I am not the person getting rejected, but its me doing the rejection.


I wrote this interestingly enough over 5 months ago with another relatoinship that didn't work out (read entire first post). Now I just ended a relationship with another girl about a month ago.

I like this particular quote of mine above, "will this happen again"? Becuaes it did happen again, and I'm the person who got rejected.

I guess I'm searching for how I dealt with this last breakup and when I started to get over it. I do feel with time though I'm getting over it.. similar to how time really helped in the last relationship. I seem to go through the same routine after a breakup, now I'm in the STAGE of ( looking for a girl similar to the last one).. exactly what I did after my last breakup.


I guess I won't be truly over it until I start meeting new people and finding other girls that I'm into.


But I await the day again when I can say the following again.

I realize that my mind truly has separated from her. Let me tell you its a great feeling! My thoughts are no longer connected with her, its like I'm free again! I'm also much more psychologicaly sound like I was before her, I don't really have these huge emotional downs. I have my life back, and my independent mind again! I'm myself again, tied emotionaly to myself and not someone else who I can't have. I'm now open to new love, and don't have any stupid thoughts that I couldn't find a girl again like my ex.


Do you people notice that you go through the same exact breakup routine after a breakup?

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