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Hey i just wanna see if other people think like me. guys inperticular..


If u meet a girl who is good looking, and u relize she looks at u often, and does things to get near u and u feel a connection but rarely talk to the girl, if ever.. Do u keep thinking about her after school or w/e or when u leave the class do u forget about the girl..i think she looks pretty good..but i cant get it off my head, i keep thinking what i will do tomorrow to make her relize im interested cuz i just got over this senior girl who graduated and its time for me to move on..


I dont even know this girl but im thinking about her alot, like what to say to her 2morrow, etc etc...


is this normal?

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Definiately dude,


I cant get this girl off my mind. I do know her fairly well and see her pretty much every day. I do want to ask her out all the time, but when I get through a day with out asking her out, I get frustrated, anxious, and angry with myself. For example, today I had the PERFECT chance, alone with her by her car, and I just kept continuing the casual conversation until I missed my opportunity. I was pretty pissed off at myself. I get home and dwell on it, thinking schools almost out, I gotta ask her soon. Then the next day comes, I feel confident and strong until I see her, then I think of what I'm going to do and start loosing my cool. Today, I did play it fairly cool, but just waited too damn long and missed my oppourtunity. I'm pretty certain that the attraction between us is mutual so I know I have to act on the situation. She gave me her number on monday, so I think that signifies that she does want me to do something.


Anyway, yes to answer your question I can't get her off my mind, and as a question of my own, do you think I should try to ask her in person, or supprise her with a phone call? I really, really want things to work out between us, and I wan't to ask her before friday hopefully.




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yo dude lmao its weird cuz ive felt the same way with the senior girl i tryed to get with..i just asked her one day and i wasnt even nervous at all cuz knew she would give it to me, she wasnt nervous either she just said it out loud, and i told her to write it down and she wrote it on my paper and stuff was cool...


Honestly If i was in ur position i would mayb tx her give her hints ur going to ask her out..like say im off work this week yes! or say it in person, just give her a small hint befor u ask her out..i would say ' ya im finally free for the weekend, wanna hang out' but by all means its goin to give u that 'feeling' when u ask but, when she replies its all over and u feel much better and just let it drift from there. haha im sure u know what feeling im talkin about..the feeling u get when u get close to a girl u like...the feeling of asking 'the question' haha..


oh another advice i would give is..dont plan it out at all! that just gets u nervous and then u bail on the plan usualy. You can think about it a little but dont get into detail with out doing it.. just say im gona call her and im gona ask her out, or 2morrow when i see her im going to get into a conversation with her and just ask her out.

im glad to see we think the same ;p

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Ya definitely dude although mine wasnt at school.There was this girl at my restaurant and she came in this one day every week on the day that i worked.She would always keep looking at me staring at me.And i too the same.I never talked to her because i was too shy.I couldnt get her off my mind for the longest time like i couldnt stop thinking about how attractive she was.She stopped showing up she shows up again later on when imma cook because it would be easier to start a conversation.Maybe ask them how their meal was ya ive had the same problem as you.

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hehe cool! im not weird!! haha


but ya i think im gona just socialize with the girl ive never talked to..the only thing is she has friends in that class..and they will notice..then i gotta worry about their comments ugh stressful! haha weird cuz i really dont have feelings for her i just keep thinking of how ima approach her ,what i will say or what i will do im tryin to keep it off my head tho! thx for the posts!

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Hey allright this thread seems promising and i need some help. Okay this girl, she and i were something of an unofficial item. Her and i hung out every other weekend for about 2 months straight. then i finally realized how i felt about her. I told her and it she tells me that we can just keep hanging out casually and see what develops. Well about two weeks after that we were together at a party we both had a bit too much to drink and we ended up in a bed together. Nothing sexual yet. We talked about everything from sports to God for three hours. Then we both tried to pass out but we couldn't for some reason. Anyway we started to fool around , and without going into too much detail. we did everything but intercourse and oral. That was over 2 months ago and since then we hang out very rarely and our conversations are very awkward and tense. We still appear to be very good friends but it is still awkward between us. Help if anything like this has happened to you.

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Well Powerful,


I texted her this afternoon, had a short text convo, asked if she was going to see starwars tonight, B!tched about finals, then I asked if she would like to go out to lunch or something with me tomorrow. She replied "O I would but I gotta lunch date with cassie" (Cassie is a girl friend of hers).


Well, I played it cool, I just responded, "Cool, I'll talk to you tomorrow then", but I'm not sure how to interpet her response to my question. I dont know if shes being sincere, if shes blowing me off, or just making an excuse to not go with me. I dont think shes lieing, because she does go to lunch with her friend alot, and I'm almost certain shes attracted to me, but still it kinda sucks. I'm not sure what to do now, I kinda thought to my self," I've made the first move, so if she wants me she'll do something", but I'm not sure if all girls act that way. I figgure I'll just act normal tomorrow, as if nothing happened and see what goes on.


So what do you guys think:


-Shes being sincere and would of liked going with me, but isn't going to ditch her friend who she had allready planed on going with




-Shes blowing me off, just making an excuse not to go with me


Also, do you guys think asking someone out to lunch by text message is lame?




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No Brosef, nothing like that has happened to me.


But in my opinion, she feels awkward about what happened, you both were drunk, and everyone acts kinda "loose", if thats what you want to call it, when their drunk. I suggest that you try to socalize with her more, to get rid of those awkward feelings. Trust me, I had plenty of oppourtunities to ask the girl that I'm speaking of in this thread out one night, but she was drunk. I didn't ask because what she may have said or done while drunk may be different while sober. I didn't want to do anything that I might later regret. Anyway, just work at getting closer to her, and good luck.

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