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Whats something crazy you've done after a breakup?

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He was messing around with some girl, or it looked like it and his girlfriend/fiance saw them together and got suspicious and threw him out so he dealt with it the bestway he could see fit.

Baseball bat! and gave her half of everything.

Needless to say their was no reconciliation later.

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My older sister and this real creep dated for quite a while.. 7-8 months. Everybody told her that he was a creep and was only out for you know what. Well.. she stays home with the flu on day in early febuary, comes to school the next day to find out he and a girl were making out all day in dark seculded places.


I've never heard anybody yell as loud as she did on the phone with him. I tried to get the phone away from her, but it was scary. Hehe. She was driving me home a few times, and if he'd be on the incoming lane, she'd try to play chicken with him then scream obsenities at him when he went past. On his next victims, she'd talk to his soon to be hurt ex's, and tell them what a creep he is, and how he cheats on all his girlfriends. She scarred the pants off him and his girlfriends. Last year, i heard through the grapevine that he was dating some 15 year old. He's about 20 now, and i told margaret. She wanted to call the cops and leave a note for statatory rape suspect. She was angry for a LONG, LONG time


Hehe. She's better now, and diagnosed with manic depression, as well as some other stuff.

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I got together with my ex before she had broken up with her b/f at the time. She broke up with him to be with me and five months later she broke up with me to be with a new guy. I felt bad for the previous b/f so I called him and came clean about how stupid I was and what she did to him. I came to find out she slept with him the nite before they broke up but she never told me that part. I was furious! Him and I were both furious. I also did this to make sure she would never try and get back together with him...insurance policy. I then told all her friends every bad thing she did which wasn't hard b/c I was hanging out with them now and she was ignoring them all for the new guy. Fast fwd 3 months. She ends up getting pregnant accidentally and dumps new guy. She tries to come back to me but I said hells no. Then goes to previous b/f and he says hells no. Long story short...she loses all her friends to me, has the kid without a father, and moves to Arizona with a new guy. Oh what a web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

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Long story short...she loses all her friends to me, has the kid without a father, and moves to Arizona with a new guy. Oh what a web we weave when first we practice to deceive.


I guess I can understand why you wouldn't want to be with her anymore, but don't be so happy, because there's an innocent life involved in all of this who will likely be hurt. It's a sad situation for the baby.

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The craziest most shameful things just happened recently actually. My guy told me he loved me and slept with me. Then a day afterwards, he told me he no longer knew what he wanted from this relationship and needed time. I had suspicions there might be someone else, so I asked him and he said no. His IM away messages kept having this same girl's screen name coming up, so I added her to my friends list. Sure enough, my guy and this girl were exchanging flirty messages back and forth in their away messages. I confronted him with it and let's just say he got insanely mad. He called me a stalker and messaged everyone on his list saying that I might be 'watching them'. I've been getting hate messages ever since from people who i have no idea who they are. I'm ashamed I resorted to what I did, and apparently this chick is one of his ex girlfriends. I still have no idea if I'm justified in my actions or not, but I do feel sad about the whole circumstance.

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Wow...I'm dealing with some real PSYCHOS here at enotalone. LOL. J/K of course. I guess the worst thing I have ever done is call her up...repeatedly...and cursing her up and down. The rejection just made me so angry and she seemed so unfazed by it all. It was maddening.


After reading some of these posts, I actually feel good about my restraint. LOL. Lord knows I wanted to do some of these outlandish things, but all in all am glad I didn't.

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I didn't DO this but...in the beginning I had a bunch of evil revenge thoughts.


One in particular that I can remember was sending an email to EVERYONE in his address book announcing exactly what he did and including the emails between him and the "other woman". It would have been over 100 people.


lol. i didn't. wouldn't. but the thought was there for a split second.

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You guys are so tame...


I'll try to be brief here


20 years ago I found out I was pregnant. The father wanted me to get an abortion. I didn't. When I told him he didn't "take it so well"...


So, knowing full well his homophobia, I sent him a fully paid subscription to a gay magazine at his AUTOBODY shop...


Okay - so that was him...


Fast forward - I cannot tell you the thoughts I've had about my recent ex. He beat me up, beat my son, verbally abused me, lead me on, and on Sunday I found him with someone else all whilst telling me he still loved me. I believe I've read enough on human predators and narcissism to last a lifetime.


So... sugar in the gas tank of his 2005 Chrysler 300 C? How about deleting his Everquest account? oooh... he's so lucky I have decency and a sense of right/wrong in me...


I won't do anything to him but the rage I feel will be best dealt with in counseling... sadly, his own kids will enact the best revenge. They hate him.

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Well, I am in the "just broke up emotions are ruling right now stage" I am calling and trying to meet with him to talk. He is not returning my calls, but will IM me sometimes. I call and hang up then leave a message. Nothing too crazy. My head is telling me to let this go, but my heart is telling me to keep on trying. Drives me crazy that he won't even talk to me. Funny, we didn't go out very long at all, a few months, but I feel like I have known this guy forever. Hurts like hell.

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Here's what things I am thinking for the list:

* Stalking/drive bys/snooping

* begging / pleading

* lying about something to keep them



Ha! Yes, I did all three of those and lived with a tremendous amount of guilt and shame for a long time after. After reading some accounts here, especially this wonderful post someone put up (I can't find it, but PM me because i copied it), I felt normal.

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Yes, I did all three too. We lived two hours apart and I would even drive to her place on a week night to stalk her. One time I took down her screen window because she refused to open the door because the guy was there and she almost called the cop on me, I weeped right in front of her and her guy. I feel better now because she sent me several emails last year wanting to know how I am which I refused to reply but I can still feel the shame after all these years.

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I posted the "think you're special" post from another forum on one my ex reads (re: Everquest) and aimed it squarely at him... titled it:


Ode to an a@#hole and his b@#$h on Quellious


lol - didn't name him, didn't name her (although it's killing me not to)...


It's a great article - posted it here but it was removed: forgot to add the copyright at bottom and I'm tooooooo lazy to redo it 8)

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The crazy thing I did was with my first ex we were living together for 3 years and then she cheated on me with a married man. So when I left I would take my key and keyed the the drivers side of her car. Then in court I gave all her stuff which including shirts she bought me cards,etc and when she looked at the box she was made. After that I put up another profile stuff that she liked and she contacted me and she wanted to know my name and I said I was not that same person and feel for it. She told me alot of things on how she felt about me and It is like oh my god.

Then after that I had another friend of mine talk to her a female over the internet since she wanted to experience with another woman which would be a first time for her and then found pictures on the internet with her legs spread. This is a woman with 2 kids(not mine) and I could have called social services on her but I did not.

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