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So I have posted here a couple times about my ex but he is confusing me. So I thought that someone might be able to shed some light on my situation. My ex and I were together for 2 years and we broke up due to fighting towards the end. Well not long after we broke up he got a new g/f, which tore me apart. He told me that he loved her and that he saw it being a long term realtionship.


Well we were talking the other day and he told me that he thinks about me all the time. He also told me that the more time he spends with his g/f the more annoying she is.... but he thinks he still loves her. He says he wants to meet sometime this week and see if there is anything still between us.... but he is still with this girl. So I am so confused!!!


I think that he is with this girl because he moved about 1 and 1/2 hours away for an internship, where he knows no one. I think that he is just lonely and knows that she will be a for sure thing, while me and him aren't for sure. I think that he is afraid to let her go in the fear that we may not work out, and then he would have no one. Do you think that I am overanalzing?


Should I meet up with him, and don't get me wrong I want nothing more to be back with him. I love him too death!!!! But I don't know what he is thinking?????


Please help me, I need lots of advice on what to do!!!!!!!

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Forgive me for being rude, but tell your ex to get lost. He was with you 2 years, and know he wants to be with you to see what's there between you two, but he isn't ready to leave the girl. What he thinks you are? A toy? What about your feelings?!

I think you should tell him… first to work things with the girl he is seeing now… after that, if you want to try and see if there's a chance ok… but not this way.

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Makes it harder to determine your situation with clarity when you want your ex back. Well from the way I see it, he's being an opportunist. And that's not fair, he can't have his cake and eat it too (Silly saying) but somewhat true on this occasion.


I'm not sure how to answer this one, when it comes to matters of the heart, maybe he's realising that he misses you, that there are qualities/traits about you must have in a girl. It could be anything. All I say is watch out for booby traps, analyse this longer, study his moves and go with your instincts. If he's being an opportunist that you think he might be, then be honest to yourself and pass this one off. Then I want you to pat yourself on the back and celebrate how strong & smart you are.

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I know exactly what you are going through right now. My ex and I split up three months ago after a 2 1/2 year relationship. He started seeing someone a few days after we split. The first two months they were together he didn't want anything to do with me. Then all of a sudden two weeks ago he came crawling back telling me how much he loved and missed me. But he didn't trust me. We spent the weekend together, and he said how much he wanted to get back together with me but we needed to be friends first and build our trust back up. Needless to say I was estatic. But after a week of seeing and sleeping with eachother as "friends" I ask about her. And yes he is still seeing her. I told him that I couldnt be the other girl and he needed to make a choice. That was this last weekend and he hasn't given me a real answer. So basically what I'm saying is don't get your hopes up. When a relationship goes sour both parties to need to really sit down and evalute what went wrong. And let me tell you it's a lot easier said then done. So Good luck and don't set yourself up.

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