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hey QT,


losing weight actually involves a lot more than just running and biking - i have found that out since as i get older, my bunsen burner so to speak is burning at a lower flame that what it use to be


losing weight involves eating right too. but in terms of exercises, you have to realize that its just not all aerobic and endurance exercises only. you have to have some sort of weight regiment too. in your case, lifting weights for the purposes of toning, and not gaining muscle - so more reps, at lower weights (not less reps at heavier reps). work on toning all your muscles - legs, abs, shoulders, etc...


making your muscles stronger and more toned actually burns more energy when you do aerobic excerices, so you burn more fat so to speak.


good luck!

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Hey QTpie,


First of all, I am glad you ask for a healthy way to lose weight: exercise. Remember, if you really start intensive sports, keep eating enough (just stay away from junk food).


I am a swimmer, I would certainly recommend swimming even if you don't like it that much. A lot of intensive sports are unhealthy if you are really overweight or in poor condition. It's a good thing to start by swimming 3 times a week and build up the intensity (for example, swim faster or start adding extra lanes, vary the style, etc).


Later on, you can for examples take 1 swim and 2 times of a 2 km run. Just start slowly and ALLOW yourself to lose weight slowly. Losing weight too fast usually means having kept a poor diet. It slows down your metabolism, which is why you gain so fast after it (the infamous yo-yo effect).




What is your BMI?


Take care,



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The best exercise is that you ENJOY and will STICK with.


And part of losing weight is also your diet...proper nutrition goes a LONG way towards your goals.


You need to do both cardio (cycling, running, swimming, boxing, salsa dancing, elliptical, skiing, rollerblading, whatever) and strength training. Building muscle increases your metabolism and is very important for your bone health and strength as well.


I am biased to cycling, since I compete in mountain and road biking, but you can do whatever you like. Just remember some cardio things will take more effort to bring your heart rate up. Running is generally most effective in terms of effort put out in limited time, cross country and skate skiing and cycling are also very close to that depending on effort and terrain.


In an average week, I ride my bike about 15+ hours, go to the gym 3 times a week doing 1-2 body parts each time depending on the day, and do power yoga about 5-6 times a week, as well as core in there when I can. It's more than you need to do to lose weight, but my fitness goals are different then your probably are (I am training, as opposed to trying to lose weight). I also eat well, lean proteins, veggies, fruits, complex carbs, and when I am on bike going hard I also take in more simple carbs as they are necessary for that output. But I also treat myself to ice cream, beer, and pizza now and then


You should look at increasing your exercise by 250 output in calories a day, and eat 250 calories less giving you 500 deficit a day, to lose 1 pound a week. A healthy way to lose weight as you can stick to it. Depending on your exercise level, height, body composition, you should eat between 1600-2000 calories a day. As you are still growing, 1800 is probably about right (but you should analyze all this on your own as I don't know you and am NOT an expert!) and make sure you get 3-4 servings of dairy products every day as a girl you need these....look at lighter sources like skim milk, low fat yogurt, chocolate milk is actually a great post workout drink, a small serving of cheese, calcium fortified soy milk, etc. It is even shown those who eat calcium weigh less than those who don't due to processes in body. Too many women/girls skimp out on calcium which has bad effects later on in life. But also get lean proteins, complex carbs, veggies, fruit, etc!

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