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Wana loose weight? I'll show you how

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Hey guys and girls. I'v been reading this forum since last year, prob the worst time of my life. Many people have been giving me really good advice on this board so i thought that i'd give back whatever i can.


I'v read alot about people frustrated with the way they look and want to do something about it. I thought i might be able to help. At the beginning of the summer last year i was 240 and prob around 25 percent body fat. Now I am 175 with 12 percent body fat. I am not going to kid you guys, its alot of hard work, but if you are motivated and diet pluse a constant work out plain, you will get fit. So if anyone has any questions feel free to pm me, with your stat (height, weight, rough estimate of how much body fat you have).

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40 lbs is alot for a girl. More than anything else, i think that dieting is the best way to go. Keep your daily intake of foods to a 40 -40-20 ratio, that means 40 percent protien, 40 percent carbs and 20 percent fat. When i say fat i mean good fat, not the ones you get from chips or canned food. You want to eat non trans and non satruated fat. Learn to start reading the lables. O and by the way 1 grams of protien = 4 calorie, 1 grams of carb = 4 calorie, 1 gram of fat = 9 calories. Keep your calorie intake below 2000 if you are a girl, it really depends on how big you are. thats y i said in my first post you should give me your info before i give you advise.


as addition to the dieting, you should start jogging if you are a girl and doing interval sprinting if you are a guy. This is because jogging makes you loose weight, and intervail training makes you loose fat but at the same time build musle. so unless a girl wants to become buff, i suggest that you don't do the interval.


gl peoples

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Maybe a year and a half ago I used to weigh around 230 or so. Now, through mainly a balanced diet, I am around 200. And let me tell you, losing all that weight is great for 2 reasons (among others probably): 1. more choices when shopping, and 2. you feel much better about yourself and are more confident in yourself.


The only problem is that it has stabilized. I would love to drop down to around 170-180. What is the best way of getting to that target weight? I also want to add more muscle (which is obviously solved by weight training).

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its really a process, there are stages where you cut and there are stages you bulk. It is very very very hard to do both at the same time. But if you want to cut, try running intervals, that means sprints. and cut down on your calorie intake to under 2200 per day. Instead of having 3 big meals everyday try to eat every 2 hours with small meals. like a half a sandwhich and a fruit would be a meal. think of your body as a fire pit, just feed it constant food in small amounts and you'll raise your metabolism.


good luck to you

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Here's my typical daily food intake:


Before school I have a small plate of scrambled eggs (everyday). I barely ever eat lunch during the school week, unless I am going to be going home late. When I come home from school (2:30ish) I usually snack on some things -- low carb food. There are these really good granola-type bars that are very low in carbs. Then I usually take a low carb tortilla (they taste almost like a normal one after a while) and put peanut butter in it and roll it into a sandwhich. I know it sounds grose, but it tastes good to me. Then I always drink a lot of Diet sodas like Sierra Mist. In fact, I have been drinking a lot Sierra Mist Free (caffeine/calorie/sugar free). I typically have 2 of those a day.


That's basically it (though there are sometimes more things to snack on) until dinner. During the week I stay away from foods high in carbs. Typically during the week I have steak and salad one night, pork chops another, various salads (a couple in particular have become household staples), umm, asparagus usually on one night.


Then on the weekend I usually splurge (Friday and Saturday mainly). Usually pizza on Friday night, local diner on Saturday morning for breakfast/lunch, and sometimes we go out to dinner at some restaurant. Then when the school week starts up again I go back to eating healthy.




I never have counted calories. Carbs have been most important for me to watch. Some foods I used to enjoy eating all the time, I have discovered, are really bad for you, like white bread, an excess in fruit, and starchy foods.


As far as working out, I don't do it much anymore. I took a semester of PE in the fall (a few months ago). We didn't do very much that made you really work. Though in the spring time (now) I am in the marching band at school. Parades, practices, you name it. It does wear you out, especially if you have to march around and all that for an hour at a time. You get physically drained by it. Recently we competed at a parade that had a 1 1/2 mile route. Our next big one is next weekend, and I believe that is a bit longer. And it's usually warm.


That's pretty much the extent of my exercise. I do walk home from school everyday, but don't walk to school (dad gives me a lift on the way to work). I am always so busy with school and music stuff that I am always too tired to workout or whatever when I get home from school. I did however a couple of months ago get into playing tennis. I might get back into that this summer.

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The most successful diet I was ever on was the ventilator diet. I was on a breathing tube and sedated for 6 weeks and magically woke up 23lbs lighter.


I do have to say however that the advice drydupfob is giving is great advice. I have been on a very similar diet for the past 3 months and have lost 12lbs. I'm eating six small meals a day that are low in trans and saturated fats and fairly equal in protein and carbs.


An average day of eating for me is something like


Meal 1

2 Eggland's best hardboiled eggs and 8oz of low sugar OJ


Meal 2

1 cup cottage cheese with strawberries & bottled water


Meal 3

Open face turkey sandwhich with lettuce, 2 strips low fat bacon, & light ranch dressing with a bowl of any clear broth soup & 4oz milk


Meal 4

Low fat string cheese, 1/2 serving of reduced fat cheese nips (about 15 crackers) & bottled water


Meal 5

2 Tacos made with lean ground beef, whole wheat tortillas, 2% cheese, lettuce, and black olives.

Bottled water


Meal 6

1 cup low fat yogurt with 2 tbsps granola and fresh blueberries stirred in


Oh, also one day of every week is my "free day" when I can basically eat whatever I want. Since changing my eating habbits so drastically though "whatever I want" has changed too and I tend to stick to my normal stuff. Usually my biggest splurge will either be having 2 - 3 slices of pizza at dinner time or maybe a hot dog with chili for lunch. I don't crave carbs the way I used to and rarely feel the need for candy/chocolate.

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free day? i think thats a little too much freedom, I eat a cheat meal every week where i eat whatever i want, but not the whole day is too much. Your meal looks good, cept for the bacon part, too much fat in my opinoin and instead of eating the whole egg try doing three egg whites and only 1 egg yoke, that way you can cut down on the fat and gain more protien. I eat about 10 egg whites and 1 yoke everyday. Its been working great along with my protien shake, you know trying to cut and get that six pack.

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lol, my bacon isn't real bacon. It is soy and there are only 4 grams of fat in 2 slices. On an average day I eat 35 - 40 grams of fat with the better part of it being "good fat"


Obviously splurging for an entire day wouldn't be good for anyone but it is the knowing that I can eat what I want on Sunday that keeps me from cheating during the week. I never actually end up choosing to have more than 1 or 2 treats on that day.


I've been told before that I need to cut out one of my egg yolks but they are sooo yummy and I'm losing weight with my plan so I'm not overly concerned about it.


It is great that you have found something that works for you!

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