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should i keep trying or not? Plz help ladies, or guys.

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I met this girl last weekend at a friend's party. I like her a lot, but we didn't get to talk a lot since there were other ppl around. I only managed to get her email address. So I sent an email to her the next day, but I found out it's a stupid email. I'm totally recked now, I'm afraid that this email will have a negative affect.


It seemed that she has a bf, but was not w/ her that nite (from what i heard through friends). It didn't seem that she's interested in me cuz she doesn't really try to stay talkin to me for long. GIRLS, is this a bad sign??


What should I do if she never reply? What if she really has a bf? I know I probably will be ok, but I'm just so sad now that I cannot have her love. Why girls always treat nice guys like crap???????? What does it really takes to get a girl to go out with you?

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There may be many reasons why she appeared to not want to talk for long, many reasons that have nothing to do with you. If she has a boyfriend and is happy with him, then it could be she was just flirting with you. My advice would be to do nothing until you know she's single, then give her a call, and ask her out.

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To answer your last two questions;


"Why girls always treat nice guys like crap???????? "


I have suffered this myself, being told too many times that I'm too nice. Eventually I began to interpret that maybe 'nice' wasn't the right word, but more so 'no challenge'. If you make it too easy, and always give in and agree, it upsets the balance of a relationship. After all, you don't want to be anyone's pet. My personal philosophy is that being nice is a good thing, but balance that with sticking to your beliefs, even if it contradicts the person you care about/want to please. People will respect you a lot more for having a strong mind, but are still a gentleman too.


"What does it really takes to get a girl to go out with you?"


It doesn't take anything more than being yourself. A relationship means that you're with someone you can relate to, and vice versa. If someone doesn't like you for who you are, then forget them. Easier said than done sometimes, but you're wasting your time otherwise. There are always people out there who will appreciate you for who you are. The only one word of advice I will give is try to make the first impression as close to who you really are. Don't put on some macho act. Be confident and be yourself.

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thanks doblesdream, your advices helped very much.


Usually I have no trouble move on w/ other "non-compatible" girls, but I just can't stop thinking about her. even we only met once or twice.


I just can't accept the fact that just becuz she has a bf, I lose all the rights to get to know her. I did ask her out in the email, but I think she is not going to reply.... What should I do? If I cannot go out w/ her, how am I going to show her who I am???

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Thanks mjones, this article helps out on many aspects for me.


But I think my problem is not about being too nice, but again you mentioned

"and they either come-on too strong, too hard and too fast".
I guess that's my problem, but do we have to play games with females to win them over? I guess it's a stupid question.


I guess my problem boils down to be how to approach a girl initially so she doesn't think that I'm a "nice guy". But what should I do now when that I've already sent her an email!!!!!! And it's one that's like yea I'm so crazy about you!!!!! HELP PLZ.

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dude, just back off a little. When you see her, just make conversation. Don't mention the email or anything. Just pretend you didn't send it, and if she says something about it, just make up some excuse. Just make sure she doesn't think you're obsessed over her. Then if you find out that she doesn't hava bf, then ask her out on a date. Just take your time. I know it's hard but patience is a virtue.. G'luck

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