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Is there something wrong with me???

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Hey i am 16 years old and i recently was seeing one of my best girl friends. Her and i have known each other for a long time, one day we both started to like each other, i really fell for her and she said she rly liked me but she said she wasnt ready for a relationship like that, so we were "seeing" each other i guess u could say but nothing rly amounted....this lasted about 5 months and then 1 day she tells me she didnt like me anymroe....then about a week later she ends up dating some new guy exclusivly....i mean is there smthing wrong with me why did this happen shes the girl of my dreams i just dont know what to do anymore, i mean even when a girl likes me shes wont be my gf....plz give me some advice

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Have you ever heard of Darwins law of natural selection? Should read about it, it'll give you some insight on how attraction works. In my state of thinking, people chat on each other because of it. Oh, and nothing is wrong with you, If I were you I would move on.

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I'm sorry to hear it didn't work out like you wanted. It sounds as though perhaps because she knew you for a long time, she liked you but maybe as just a good friend. At least she tried to jump that gap, but just couldn't. That's the way it is sometimes when you've gotten to know someone so well in a different light than as a bf/gf from the start. So please try not to take it personally. I've been on both sides of that myself, and you will find someone else who clicks with you when you click with them. I know it's sad right now, but there will be better days. I promise!

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