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4 Years is on the rocks...

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My girlfriend and I have been dating for 4 years. We have broken up several times for pretty much the same thing. I would usually not pay as much attention to her as I needed to. Recently she met another guy at a place I was suppose to be at (I went out with my friends instead). She broke up with me a few weeks later. We've now been broken up for close to 4 weeks. We do talk and she occasionally gies out with me, but she also goes out with him. I want her back more than anything and I love her with all my heart. I realize now why our relationship went a stray and I am going to fix it. She is very confused right now because she has some feelings for the other guy and of course she still has feelings for me. Crunch time is fastly approaching and she is going to have to pick one or the other. I need to know what I can do to put her over the edge and get her back. I need suggestions and I need some good ones. If we get back together we are going to get enagaged in approx 6 months. I just need to know what I can do to get this girl back. I love her more than anything and everyday that goes by that I'm not with her feels like FOREVER, this sucks. Please help. Thank You.



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