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I can never ever get her off my mind. Every time I see other couples, I think of my ex. Every time I read or hear about other people doing things for there husbands and wifes bf/gfs, i think of my ex. Every time i watch a movie that has to do with some sort of romantic drama, I think of my ex..and every time i see a place i would want to live or visit, i keep thinking *gee this would be nice if she was here with me*. I absolutely cannot get her off my mind. its been almost 4 months since we have broken up, but the past 3 weeks has been very emotional for me, not more than 30 seconds goes by to were i have nothing but her in my memory.


Just something to share with you people, im sure many people go through the same thing, but everything I want to do right now..including plans with work, movies, fun in general *as if im having any right now* always has to do with her..as if it would be 50x better if she was here...Ive tried NC, and it just makes me hurt even more and she assumes i just dont want to talk to her when i dont call. NC is about self healing, im fully aware of that. But it havent dont anything for me, just miss her more. She calls from work sometimes when she says shes "bored", an excuse im sure to only make someone feel worse. We talk a few times a week, and i start to feel better about her being happy, but lately when we talk she has this innocent sweet tone with me like she used to have. I must be over analyzing everything she is doing but..i just wish i knew what she was thinking about me..but dont we all -.-

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No one said that NC would be easy...because it is self healing and order to heal it will have to hurt yes you will miss her even more because you're use to her being there. But how are you ever suppose to get over her if you don't try to live life without her? Or do you actually want to get over her?


Okay lets try it your way and continue talking...do you think it will help your days go by faster or prolong the transition of you being totally free from the 'I have to talk to you syndrome'. Is there hope of getting back together thats why you want to continue talking to her? A time can't be placed on how long you take to heal it will happen you just need some will power. After dating someone for a long period of time being absent from them will hurt and probably you will never heal but you wanna be heal to the point that your life doesn't stop because of her but you can still move on and be happy.


We all know that NC is hard and sometimes talking to someone after a break-up helps because you see that they are now moving on but, nothing worth obtaining is easy. If you stick it through you will realize that you can do it!!!

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NC is not to get back .. its simply to built your self esteemed and self respect near some1.. Keep on doing it and you will forget 1 day .. everything needs time..and time will heal all the wounds..You can forgive some1 and cannot forget the pain you have .. but believe me 1 day you will laugh and will think that how much stupid I was.. she is not the end of life .. common wake up.. take it as a experience and MOVE ON for some1 else more respectale and loving..

I know in these situation person loose self confidence, self respect and feel like looser, and anger.. its normal.. but only you can make yourself HAPPY...

Wake up go out and more important always put smile on your face even you dont want to.. do exercise.. make your body muscular and hot,, the money you use to spend on her now spend on yourself ..do shopping buy kool cloths dress up.. stick on diet and be comitted..

Simply you have to love yourself first to love some1..

And 1 day you will find some1 waiting for you to go on movie and then u know better .. hey from now just smile and do it..



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